Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Sudan VP condemns violation of ceasefire by Darfur rebels

KHARTOUM, Nov 23, 2004 (Xinhua) — Sudanese First Vice President Ali Othman Mohammed Taha on Tuesday condemned Darfur rebels for the violation of the protocols signed in Abuja.

A_Osman_Taha-2.jpgIn his statement to the Sudanese National Assembly (parliament),Taha held the rebels responsible for killing innocent people and destructing their properties.

“We say to Darfur rebels that raising arms and resorting toviolence will not make the wrong right or the right wrong and the right will remain right,” said Taha.

He reiterated his government’s adherence to its commitments,noting it would continue to provide security to its people.Taha termed the military operations launched by the Darfur rebels against the people, security forces and the displaced campsas “unreasonable”.

Sudanese Foreign Minister Mustafa Othman Ismail said Monday agroup of Darfur rebels attacked the displaced people in the camp of Kalma east of Niyala, capital of southern Darfur, to snatch police vehicles.

Four policemen, who were guarding the camp, were killed in the incident.

Another rebel group attacked the Taweela area, killing a number of policemen, added Ismail.

Violence flared up in February 2003 between Janjaweed militia and local farmers in the barren Darfur region over scarce water and resources.

Many people have been killed since then.

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