Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Hamadab: The Option for Armed Struggle, Press Release N0 (1)

Movement for Justice to the Forcibly Displaced Sudanese and for the New Sudan (MJFDS)

December 6, 2004

The communities affected by Hamadab Dam in northern Sudan; announced yesterday in their Political Declaration their decision to opt for armed struggle to protect their land and their rights from the abuse by unjust and oppressive authority which falsely called forced displacement of people to desert, economic development.

The Declaration came after twelve years of failed negotiations attempts by the communities affected by the idol; the government is building by a flagrant misuse of public funds. For twelve years the affected communities tried every possible mean one can think of; to get the government to listen to their point of view and their position regarding the dam. Throughout this period; the position of the government and its officials was arrogance, absolute contempt, scorn, disdain and utter disrespect for the representatives of the affected communities. Not only that; but the minister in charge of the project went further and publicly insulted the affected communities with the most abusive racial insults to humiliate and dishonour them, stating that he [will submerge them like rats].
Having the government insistence to close all doors in the face of the representatives of the communities; beside the mounting despair among the affected people of the feasibility of any further attempts for negotiations with the authorities; the communities voted in complete consensus to stand up for the defence of their land.

In its totality – the experience of our communities confirms – yet again – that Khartoum listens only to the rattle of bullets and clank of armoury. Having the crisis reached this stage; Khartoum will certainly hear what will deafen its ears.

The affected communities have – in a separate statement – last month; notified all groups living in northern Sudan about the nefarious behaviour of Khartoum government, and stated that such insouciance attitude will inevitably sets northern Sudan on a dangerous violence course.
The affected communities are well aware of the repercussions that will befall on them and the communities around them. These repercussions have been subjected to critical evaluation, and the government is the one who bears the chaos and havoc that will happen.
We are certainly very concerned about the stability and wellbeing of the communities around us; however, we are equally committed to remain in our land! Therefore our concern about the wellbeing of the neighbouring communities will never be enough justification to forfeit our right in our land.

By making this press release we declare to the world; to government of Khartoum and to all Sudanese political forces, our commitment to the defence of our land regardless of the sacrifices this may imply.

Our land is our life, and when we set out to defend it; we are in fact defending our lives!

– Mohamed Khair Hassan Khaliefa
– Official Spokesperson
– Movement for Justice to the Forcibly Displaced Sudanese and for the New Sudan (MJFDS)

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