Friday, October 18, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

SOAT: Darfur- Hamada Village Destroyed


Sudan Organisation Against Torture

Human Rights Alert: 19 January 2005

On 16 January 2005, the air forces and the Janjaweed militias attacked and destroyed Hamada, Birgid tribe village, 50 km northeast of Nyala, Southern Darfur state using Antonov aircrafts.

Reportedly, at least 69 civilians were killed and 10s were wounded during the attack including five children. The details of the civilians killed and wounded are as followed:


– Mohamadain Mohamed Abaker, 63 yrs, M
– Musa Salih Adam, 50 yrs, M
– Adam Yousif Ameen, 70 yrs, M
– Ameen Hussain Ameen, 55 yrs, M
– Ahmed Abdella Yousif, 25 yrs, M
– Mohamed Abdel Mawla, 30 yrs, M
– Ahmed Mohamadin Abaker, 45 yrs, M
– Osman Ahmed Shaheed, 75 yrs, M
– Abdella Ahmed Abdel Jabar, 35 yrs, M
– Musa Abaker Mohamed, 65 yrs, M
– Mohamed Abdella Abaker, 35 yrs, M
– Altahir Mohamadain, 20 yrs , M
– Idrees Adam Mohamadain, 30 yrs, M
– Aljameel Musa Ibraheem, 25 yrs, M
– Ismat Ahmed Abdel rahman, 8 yrs, M
– Haythem Mohamed Abdella, 15 yrs, M
– Ahmed Yousif Jarada, 51 yrs, M
– Ahmed Adam Mohamed Haroun, 20 yrs, M
– Mohamed Adam Ajaweed, 80 yrs, Fur tribe, M
– Alnour Tabaldea, 17 yrs, M


– Maryam Hussain Ameen, 65 yrs (F)
– Mohamed Mustafa Alnour, 55 yrs, M
– Fedail Omer, 60 yrs, Toujor tribe, M
– Salih Musa, 10 yrs, M
– Adam Salih Adam, 7 yrs, M
– Mohamed Tahir Ambo, 55 yrs, M

The continued attack on civilians in Darfur are a clear violation of the ceasefire agreement, the UNSC resolutions and international humanitarian law protecting civilians and undermines the government of Sudan (GoS) declared commitment to finding a resolution to the conflict in Darfur following the recently signed Comprehensive Peace Agreement to end the over two decades of civil conflict in the South civil war. The government has failed to “end all acts of hostility in Darfur and move fast to achieve a successful solution…” as proclaimed by President Hassan Omer el-Bashir on 9 January 2005.

SOAT reiterates its call to the government of Sudan to respect its obligations under the Abuja Protocols which under Article 2 (‘Protection of Civilians’) of the humanitarian accords requires all parties to the agreement to “Take all steps required to prevent attacks, threats, intimidations and any other form of violence against civilians.” Furthermore Article 2 (Security Protocols) urges all parties to the conflict to “refrain…from conducting hostile military flights in and over the Darfur Region.”

SOAT condemns the continued violations of the ceasefire agreement and all attacks on civilians. In light of the deadly, regular and ongoing nature of attacks on civilians including children by both the Janjaweed and government forces, SOAT strongly urges the international community place extreme pressure on the GOS to:

Immediately cease attacks on civilians and adhere to it commitments under the ceasefire agreement.

Create a no fly zone over the Darfur region to stop air forces attacking civilians.

Ensure the protection of all civilians, including displaced persons and children.

Facilitate the immediate delivery of emergency supplies such as food and medicine to the severely affected population.

Conduct an independent commission of inquiry into such crimes as war crimes and crime against humanity and genocide in Darfur, under the supervision of the African Union and the UN; to end the culture of impunity promoted by the GoS.

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