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Sudan Tribune

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US army commander holds talks with Eritrean president

Asmara, Jan. 26, 2005 (ERINA) — President Isaias Afwerki met and held talks today with an American delegation headed by the deputy commander of the US Central Command, Lt. General Lance Smith.

During the meeting carried out at the Denden club in Asmara, the two sides discussed issues related with the developments in the Eritrean-Ethiopian peace process and the current state of affairs in the Horn of Africa region.

President Isaias expressed the government of Eritrea’s desire to establish profound cooperation grounds with the United States and that Eritrea will extend its efforts for further strengthening of bilateral relations between the two countries.

Reminding the US delegation that the Eritrean-Ethiopian border issue remains unsettled owing to the Ethiopian regime’s continuous impediments to the demarcation process, President Isaias asserted that settling the border issue would further boost the relations between Eritrea and the US, as well as the role of the US in the region at large. President Isaias then underlined that America should exercise its moral and legal rights, and play its due role in resolving the situation between Eritrea and Ethiopia.

Lt. General Lance Smith on his part said that the US has been exerting efforts to strengthen bilaterla relations between his country and Eritrea through relevant institutions.

As for the Eritrean-Ethiopian border issue, Lt. General Smith clearly noted that America’s stand on the issue is prompt implementation of the Eritrea Ethiopia Boundary Commission’s final and binding decision without any preconditions. Lt. General Smith further indicated that the US has continuously been informing the regime in Ethiopia on its stand.

The U.S. General also commended Eritrea’s role in the fight against terrorism and its commitment in trying to settle peace and stability in the Horn of Africa.

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