Friday, October 18, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Serious concern for health of human rights defender detained in secret location


Sudan Organisation Against Torture

February 23, 2005

There is serious concern for the deteriorating health and well-being of Dr. Mudawi Ibrahim Adam who has been detained incommunicado and without charge since his arrest on 24 January 2005.

On 23 February 2005, Dr. Mudawi was granted a visit from his family who report that he has been on hunger strike since Saturday 19 February, and urgently needs access to a medical doctor.

Dr. Mudawi, who is thought to be held solely for his activities as a human rights defender, is now known to be detained in private house owned by the Security Forces in an unknown location within the Kober district of Khartoum.

Dr. Mudawi was reportedly transferred to Kober prison, to receive the visit from his family on the evening of 23 February, before being returned to the unknown location on the same day. He is reportedly very weak and disorientated, and is blindfolded when he is transferred within and between buildings.

The whereabouts and well-being of Salah Mohammed Abdalrahman, who was arrested at the same time as Dr. Mudawi, remain unknown. Dr. Mudawi reportedly last saw Salah Mohammed Abdalrahman on 28 January 2005, when the two men were transferred from security offices in Al-Obied to Khartoum.


On 24 January 2005, Dr. Mudawi Ibrahim Adam, human rights activist and Chairperson of the Sudan Social Development Organization (SUDO) was arrested at his family home in Kondoua village, North Kordofan along with his friend Salah Mohammed Abdalrahman. The two men have not been charged with any offence and it is thought that the men are held solely on account of Dr. Mudawi’s activities in defence of human rights. The two men were initially detained at the security offices in Al-Obied, and were transferred on 28 January to unknown locations in Khartoum.

SOAT calls on the Government of Sudan to put an end to the harassment and detention of human rights activists in Sudan and urges the Government of Sudan to:

i. Allow Dr. Mudawi Ibrahim Adam immediate and unrestricted access to a medical doctor;

ii. Make known the whereabouts and place of detention of Dr. Mudawi and Salah Mohammed Abdalrahman, and allow both men immediate and unrestricted access to legal advice and their families;

iii. Take all necessary measures to ensure the physical and psychological integrity of Dr. Mudawi and Mr. Salah;

iv. Order the immediate release of Dr. Mudawi and Mr. Salah in the absence of valid legal charges, or if legitimate charges exist, bring them before an impartial tribunal and guarantee procedural rights at all times.

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