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Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

TEXT: Final Communiqué of the South-South dialogue Conference


April 21, 2005

Kenya College of Communication Technology,


“We, the sons and daughters of Southern Sudan, represented in our political, military and civil society organizations ;
– Motivated by the conclusion of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) between the Government of the Sudan and the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement/Army in Kenya on the 9th. January, 2005 and the subsequent ending of the war in Southern Sudan in particular;
– Committed to upholding and defending the CPA and its total implementation as expressing the highest aspirations of the people of Southern Sudan;
– Recalling the struggle and sacrifice made by our fallen heroes and martyrs in defence of the land, people and integrity of Southern Sudan, long bound together by our common brotherhood, cultures, geography, history, politics and concerted resistance and perseverance;
– Acknowledging that many mistakes and excesses have been committed by all during the war era in Southern Sudan;
– Desirous to usher in a new era of hope, stability and prosperity in Southern Sudan; held a dialogue from 18th to 21st April, 2005 in Nairobi, Kenya under the auspice of Moi Africa Institute to articulate the most pressing issues of the postwar era in Southern Sudan;
– Do Hereby : Ordain this covenant as an instrument representing our will and commitment to dialogue towards reconciliation, forgiveness and unity of the people of Southern Sudan by which all people and institutions of Southern Sudan shall be inspired in the discharge of their affairs:

1. Unity of Southern Sudan The unity of the people and territory of Southern Sudan shall be supreme and shall have precedence over other considerations. No legislation in Southern Sudan shall override this interest

2. The Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) The CPA is the outcome of the sacrifices of the people of Southern Sudan and the fruit of our struggle. Its defence shall be a noble and sacred duty for all the people of Southern Sudan. The delegates to the Conference acknowledge the collective ad individual role of Southern Sudanese in the implementation of the CPA. The Government of Southern Sudan headed by the SPLM/A shall assume responsibility for the implementation of the CPA in accordance with the spirit of this covenant

3. Forgiveness and Reconciliation Wars all over the world witness the perpetration of unwarranted abuses against the human person and property. The war in the Southern Sudan was not an exception; the delegates acknowledge these abuses with much regret considering the grievances and differences occasioned thereby among Southern Sudanese. The delegates declare and commit themselves and all parties involved to a process of forgiveness, reconciliation and national healing

4. Commitment to Good Governance The Government and the people of Southern Sudan shall, in the discharge of their functions, be governed by, and observe the following principles and values :-

a) Democracy : The universal values of democracy shall be upheld; but shall be re-stated to conform with the circumstantial needs and priorities of the people of Southern Sudan. This shall serve to ensure consensus, accountability, inclusivity, transparency, harmonious decentralization, gender equality and affirmative action, the respect of the rule of law, human rights and above all, the preservation of the unity of Southern Sudan and its people

b) Institutional Change : The delegates commit themselves and the government of Southern Sudan to reform and transform the institutions of governance in conformity with the provisions of the CPA and to better respond to the needs of the people. Such changes shall aim to :

(i) Prioritize the security of the people of Southern Sudan

(ii) Secure genuine inclusivity, participation and equitable representation

(iii) Acknowledge that Southern Sudan is undergoing a long transition that requires institutional adjustments

5. Reconstruction of Southern Sudan The delegates recognize the urgency to rehabilitate and reconstruct the human and material infrastructure of the Southern Sudan. The delegates and the government of Southern Sudan pledge to :

a) Rehabilitating the basic infrastructure to enhance development

b) Replacing the corrupt and inept government institutions that have caused intolerable human suffering in Southern Sudan.

c) Curbing and eliminating pervasive and endemic poverty in Southern Sudan.

d) Containing rising ethnic and regional polarization in Southern Sudan

6. The Consolidation of Our Culture and Heritage Our culture is the sum total of our human values and the pride of our existence. It has been neglected over the years. The delegates to the conference in collaboration with the government of Southern Sudan shall work together to reconstruct the pillars of our cultural heritage.

7. The Honouring of Our heroes and Martyrs Our heroes and martyrs in all our wars of liberation have paved the way for our liberty, freedom and prosperity. History and good conscience requires that they be accorded honour and memory in our lives. The delegates deem it a national duty to honour our great leaders, heroes and the martyrs who paid the ultimate sacrifice for the freedom, honour and glory of Southern Sudan

8. Commitment to Honour the CPA The delegates to the Conference affirm their total commitment to give recognition and full-faith to the CPA. The Parties, military groups and the organizations to the Conference further declare that they shall neither engage nor abet in the breach of all or any provisions of the CPA

Whereunto we append our signatures in Nairobi, Kenya, this 21st day of April, the year 2005.

Signed by the Parties

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