Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Sudan Tribune

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Answers on developments in Ethiopia

ADDIS ABABA, Ethiopia, June 9, 2005 (AP) — Answers on developments in Ethiopia, torn by violence following parliamentary elections.

Q: Why are Ethiopians protesting?

A: The ruling party was declared winner of parliamentary polls according to provisional results from last month’s voting, but opposition parties say the polls and the vote counting were flawed by fraud, intimidation and violence. Anger over the ruling party being declared victor is especially strong in the cities, where the opposition has the most support and where the protests have been concentrated.

Q: Who is protesting?

A: Students at Addis Ababa University on Monday were the first to defy a ban on protests that Prime Minister Meles Zenawi declared May 15, the day of the voting. The protests spread to other schools, then constructions workers and other passers-by in university areas joined in. Taxi and private bus drivers and shop owners began a protest strike Wednesday that continued Thursday in Addis Ababa.

Q: How many have died?

A: One student died in clashes Monday between police and students, police said. Wednesday, 26 people died when security forces opened fire on stone-throwing protesters in the capital, the government said. The capital was calmer Thursday.

Q: What’s at stake?

A: The violence threatens to destabilize Ethiopia, one of the poorest countries in the world, as well as raising doubts about the government’s commitment to democracy and human rights. The U.S. has touted Meles as a progressive African leader and a key partner in the war on terror. Meles is a member of British Prime Minister Tony Blair’s Commission for Africa, which has called on the developed world to increase aid and trade to Africa and decrease its debt and called on African leaders to embrace democracy and improve their citizens’ security.

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