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Sudan Tribune

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Sudanese minister blames UN envoy statement on Darfur court

Jan_Pronk1.jpgKHARTOUM, June 16, 2005 (Sudan Tribune) — The Ministry of Justice on Wednesday 15 June criticized a statement by the special representative of UN secretary-general in Sudan, Jan Pronk, saying the Sudanese criminal court set up to prosecute perpetrators of war crimes in Darfur would not be a substitute to the International Criminal Court (ICC).

Pronk said he was pleased Sudan had decided to form a special court to try crimes in Darfur but it was too late to avert the ICC process of investigation and indictment.

In a statement, the ministry said that the basic ICC regulations stipulates that “it supplements the national judicial institutions” pointing out that Pronk is not a legal expert.

The statement said “ICC article 17 stipulates that it can refuse to look into any case if investigations and trials can be carried out in the countries concerned except, if they are unwilling to carryout the prosecutions”.

The statement stressed that in light of these the ministry considers Pronk’s statement “out of context”.

“It’s positive but it cannot be a substitute for the ICC just as the ICC is not a substitute for domestic courts,” Pronk said. “Both tracks have to be followed.”

The government says its national trials will be credible and will be a substitute for the ICC, which announced last week the formal launch of its investigation in Darfur.

Compiled with Material provided by the BBC Monitoring Service

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