Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

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Ethiopian PM warns opposition from dreaming to overthrow govt

ADDIS ABABA, Ethiopia, July 1, 2005 (Ethiopian TV) — Prime Minister Meles Zenawi has warned those who attempt to over throw the government in unconstitutional manner to stop from their futile attempt. In an hour-long exclusive interview with the Ethiopian radio and television, the premier said the Ukraine and Georgia-style orange revolutions will not be repeated in Ethiopia.

PM_Meles_Zenawi.jpgThe following is excerpts from the interview by Ethiopian TV on 1 July: Subheadings inserted editorially.

– Thank you your excellency the prime minister. The opposition have filed an accusation against the ruling coalition Ethiopian People’s Revolutionary Democratic Front (EPRDF) saying that election had been defrauded in rural areas. The EPRDF as well had filed a similar accusation and an investigation to find out the said irregularities is under way. Your excellency the prime minister what is your view regarding this issue of defrauding? What would be the solution if there was defrauding?

Election cheating

I think the accusation of defrauding has not started now. As it can be recalled, during the election campaign, they were heard saying that various types of ill justices had been committed and various types of obstacles had been created so that the election will not be free and fair. It was evident that the electoral board had been investigating the said accusations and rejected them. More than any body else the Ethiopian people have rejected the said accusations and cast its vote after queuing for a long hours. Foreign observers as well based on their observations have ascertained that the election process was free, fair and democratic. So, we can say that all the accusations which were being disseminated before the election were proved to be baseless. These same people who were piling the accusation are the ones who are trying to create confusion by saying that the election process was defrauded. The issue of defrauding was brought about on Monday 16 May a day after the election day. Leaders of the opposition parties in an interview with foreign media said the election in Addis Ababa was defrauded and hence they will not accept the results. However, by coincidence since the results of the Addis Ababa election was known quickly, immediately they corrected their accusations and said the cheating was made in the rural areas and not in Addis Ababa.

The people in the rural areas have elected their choice. When we say they have elected their choice it does mean only the ruling party but also in a number of rural areas the people have elected the opposition as well. So when we see it in totality, I do not see the accusation different from that which was brought about before the election. The main objectives of the accusation that which were brought before and after the elections were intentionally devised strategy to fulfil their agenda of bringing unrest and disturbances. That strategy was not devised now, it was devised a year ago. That strategy was not confidential, it was being made public.

It is impossible to say the election was free from and defects here and there. However, if there was any defect the first thing to do was to minimize the said defects and to correct them in a transparent way after carrying the required investigations. I talked to various foreign observers a day after the elections. It was not difficult to know what the opposition will say and there was no doubt that they will say the election was cheated. When I talked with the foreign observers before their departure to their respective countries, I told them that they should not pack their belongings and leave to the countries after observing the election and asked them to help in the investigation process on the complaints that might arise after the elections. Since it was the first experience, the majority said they will think over it, because it was not a normal procedure and were not mandated to do so. But when the situation worsened, they agreed to observe the investigation process and are currently mobilized in various parts of the country to observe the investigation process. So, the solution, even if there is a problem should have been to accept the investigation process and the results of the investigations and correct if the result is wrong.

Opposition accuses government of arresting members, supporters

– The opposition parties say that their members and supporters, who should have supported us in the investigation process, are being arrested. Hence, the investigation process can not be carried out in a proper way. Your excellency the prime minister was is your view regarding this?

The government’s position on this issue is that if one is not found guilty and found committing a crime he can not be arrested and will not be arrested. However, if a compatriot is found guilty, he should be answerable to the law. There is no one arrested only for being a member or a supporter of an opposition party. There are a number of compatriots in prison for engaging in various anti-peace activities. It can be estimated that out of those arrested some could be members or supporters of the opposition, because the forces behind the unrest and disturbances were the opposition. If those said to be in prison are required to give their testimonies in support of the investigation process, they can give their testimonies even while in prison. Police can even bring them to the electoral board to give their testimonies. The electoral board has the authority to call and talk to any national even those inside or out side prison.

So, the arrest of the said people can not in any way hinder the ongoing investigation process. In the past 10 days the government has released a good number of people. The process is continuing. With exception of very few wanted people, the majority are being released after investigating their cases. Those released were not set free because they had not committed any crime but their crime was not that serious.

Cause of disturbances

– What was the cause for the disturbances that occurred on 1 Sene 8 June?

First and foremost I can say with confidence that there was no cause for it. We can talk with confidence that the disturbances was not brought about due to the election cheating. As I have mentioned earlier, there was no any incident where the people’s vote was plundered or looted.

So, it is impossible to say that the cause for the disturbances was the defrauding of the election. There are various forces who were behind the incident. There are some people and groups who devised and agitated the riot and there are also others, who took part in the incident with emotions after being agitated by the above group, and who paid dearly during the incident. The main people behind the incident are those who were manoeuvring the whole situation behind the screen. Those who were manoeuvring behind the screen with out paying for the cause are people found inside the country and in the Diaspora. Those found in the country can be classified in to two groups. The objective is same. Their objective was to get rid of the EPRDF and said this was the right time to do so. These people had a joint stance to get rid the EPRDF from power by bringing and creating all the justifications that can help to get rid the EPRDF from power, no matter what the election result would be. Their agenda was not in connection with the election but rather with the agenda to getting rid of the EPRDF from power. Some of these people are really surprising, those who are surprising are the people who are engaged in contraband business. Those who got rich with the business and who opposed the EPRDF policy and action taken against contraband business after their business started to dry up. Their argument is if the EPRDF is removed from power they can get rich again. These are not politicians, they are people who want to get rich illegally. The reason why I said they are surprising is that because they are not politicians.

The other group are those who had great connection with the past regimes. These are the people who have deep rooted animosity against the EPRDF. Their main agenda is to get rid of the EPRDF from power. The third group are those individuals and groups in the Diaspora. The majority of those individuals and groups are people who had a hand in the red terror and who are wanted for the crimes they had committed, those who were top government officials during the Dergue regime or who had a connection with the Dergue officials. These are the people behind the disturbances and have not paid for the incident.

The other group are the youth, especially the unemployed ones, who were influenced and carried away by the agitation of the opposition parties and who had various types of grudges against the EPRDF, are the ones who went to the street ignoring the government ban. This force was the not the motor behind the movement but rather it was the victim of the situation. It was these force which paid dearly during the incident. [Passage omitted].

Government accused of excessive force

– People are heard saying that the EPRDF or the government has taken excessive force and arrested many people. And the same people say the EPRDF was revenging against the people after losing the election in Addis Ababa. What is your view on this regard Mr Prime Minister?

I think it would have been nice if we review the situation by dividing the whole issue in to two or three parts. The first question is that does the EPRDF has taken or wants to take revenge against the people who voted against it. The second issue is that was there a situation where a legal action was taken. The third one is that was the legal action justifiable. I think it would be nice if we start reviewing the three situation separately. The EPRDF does not harbour nor has the desire to revenge against any Ethiopian who voted against it.

The EPRDF’s executive body held a meeting a week after the election to review the reasons why the election results became beyond the EPRDF’s expectations. The EPRDF reviewed the reasons for its loss during the elections and found out that its was its own problem that brought the loss. The party did not blame the opposition nor the people for its own failure.

After few weeks Addis Ababa will be governed by the opposition and since it will not be governed by the EPRDF, the interim administration can only take limited action at present. The next administration is the one who can take a lasting solution and decisions. Therefore, in areas out side Addis Ababa the party will have the responsibilities and authority and that is the reason why the party is taking corrective measures. In short, the EPRDF has no desire nor the intention to revenge, it is not civilized people’s intention.

We have taken appropriate action to maintain peace and order and it was not a revenge, it was an action taken to maintain law and order. The police were ordered to maintain law and order and heeded the order properly.

“No orange or rose revolution in Ethiopia”

– If similar incident happens what preparations does the government has to maintain the situation?

The government’s position can be divided into two. The first one is that any attempt to take power in an unconstitutional and violent manner should be crushed without hesitation. This is the first position. There will be no orange or rose revolution in Ethiopia. The first point is to ensure that the Ukrainian or the Georgian style attempts will not be repeated in Ethiopia. The people should be assured on this issue. All the necessary action will be taken to nip in the bud any attempt to overthrow the constitutional structure. The second point is that actions taken against illegal acts should not be illegal themselves. They should be taken in accordance with the law.

Private media

– Some say the private newspapers are fanning the current political situation in irresponsible way to head into dangerous situation. They also accuse the government for not taking action against them. What is your view regarding this issue?

The majority of the private media and the opposition forces are two faces of one coin. It is difficult to differentiate one from the other. I do not think it is surprising to see the private media being engaged in forwarding the agenda of unrest and disturbances. The government is taking both legal and political action to quell the situation. Since the people are able to differentiate the good from the bad, I am of the opinion that let the people decide and understand what the private media looks like without the intervention of the government.

However, the rule of law should also be respected. I believe that those responsible should be answerable to the law and order of the country. And I believe that the concerned law enforcement bodies are following the situation with care.

Role of foreign partners

– Some opposition forces are of the opinion that they should use the current opportunity to their advantage, when foreign forces are pressurizing the government. What would be the result of the foreign forces’s pressure be vis-a-vis the current political situation in the country?

So far the role of our foreign partners is very positive and constructive. According to their statements issued on various occasions, they always ask the constitution of the country to be respected, to shun uprising and violence, resolve in a transparent way any irregularities and the resolutions made by the electoral board and the court must be accepted by all parties etc…etc. In my view their opinion is very good, very important and constructive. Therefore, I can not say that we have encountered pressure from our foreign partners. Because, what these forces are saying is not different from what we are saying. We should also be watchful in case they come with a different stance. If they tried to pressurize us. If they try to set free a criminal. These kind of question of ifs would only be hypothetical question, because at present they do not have such stance. The EPRDF in its terminology it says a mined district to mean a red line. For example, if our partners ask land to be sold and exchanged in Ethiopia, and if they say that they will not give this or that if their requests are not fulfilled. It means they are heading to the red lines. If they say so we will tell them to keep their dollars and aids in their pocket, because it is their dollars and aids after all. Because, the issue of selling and exchanging Ethiopia’s land will not be possible even on the graves of the EPRDF. Because they have passed the red line. All issues which are in the red lines are issues which the EPRDF can not compromise with.

G8 Summit

– The G8 are expected to meet soon. What does Ethiopia expect from this meeting?

The agenda of the G8 covers issues concerning the whole world. However, the G8 is expected to give more priority to the African issue vis-a-vis the issues in the other parts of the world. The summit is expected to discuss the report made by the African Commission, which was formed by the British Prime Minister, Tony Blair. The main points of the commission’s report would be full debt cancellation. The second issue would be the development assistance should be improved both qualitatively and quantitatively. The third issue would be to change the current international trade order that affects Africa’s development opportunities.

I hope a positive response on the first issue :debt cancellation. On the second issue [development assistance], I expect a fifty-fifty resolution. On the trade issue, I expect some encouraging steps will be taken.

Economic development

– Mr Prime Minister can you tell us how our country’s development situation is?

It is true that in the past few months specially in connection with the elections our economy was a bit affected, specially around the towns. The rainy season is very encouraging in all parts of the country.

Regarding our economic activities, as I had mentioned earlier the economy was a bit down in the past few months, generally speaking I hope and believe that a positive outcome is expected with the data I have. Our budget year ends on 30 Sene 7 July. The data is not finalized, however, the country’s economic development with the data we have so far shows a growth rate of 8 to 10 per cent. And I think this development is satisfactory development.

According to the data available our export is expected to be better this year compared with that of last year. At least a 30 per cent increase is expected on export items this year comparing with that of last year.

Urges opposition to stop dreaming of overthrowing ruling party

– In conclusion, if you have any message you want to pass?

Basically, the points I would like to raise here area those which I had said earlier. Our struggle for peace, development and democracy is faced with some problems at present. I do not say it is a serious problem. However, the scars that leaves behind can not be that simple. The situation in the past few weeks had negatively affected our economy. It has also left negative effects in the image of the country. As a result we can say as well it had negative effects in investment. Negative signs were manifested which were against the democratic and peaceful cultures we are building in. Even if the effects are not that severe, the scars are not that simple. The people are the main force to combat the situation. The people should understand that it is its responsibility to maintain peace and order in all parts of the country even in Addis Ababa, where the problem is seen very vividly in a very organized and efficient way. Some members of the opposition parties, who say that they do not advocate violence, should distance themselves from those who forward the agenda of violence.

It is futile to think to over throw the EPRDF by rebellion and violence. It is impossible. I would like to remind those who want to over throw the EPRDF by means of force, rebellion and violence to stop from their futile attempt, not to put the lives of innocent people in danger. Because it is a futile attempt and is impossible.

– Thank you your excellency the prime minister for answering my questions. I have finished with my question.

Material provided by the BBC Monitoring Service

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