Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

China’s trade with Sudan in June 2005

Sept 5, 2005 (Beijing) — China’s export to and import from Sudan reached 293,711,000 US dollars in June 2005, and the trade in January-June reached 1,842,448,000 US dollars, up 70.7 percent year on year.

Following is a table showing the total value of China’s trade with Sudan from January 2004 to June 2005, released by the General Administration of Customs: (Unit: 1,000 U.S. dollars)

Month Current month Cumulative total % Change (cum. total)
January 160,895 160,895 150.3
February 245,784 406,693 112.3
March 251,242 657,935 59.4
April 130,343 788,247 12.3
May 112,158 900,406 9.0
June 178,329 1,078,735 13.1
July 246,958 1,325,622 20.9
August 235,582 1,561,398 28.2
Septembe 225,121 1,786,521 24.3
October 164,095 1,950,543 19.5
November 285,910 2,236,488 26.0
December 284,753 2,521,772 31.3
January 261,787 261,787 62.7
February 217,222 479,009 17.8
March 362,747 841,756 27.9
April 356,814 1,198,588 52.0
May 350,294 1,548,702 71.9
June 293,711 1,842,448 70.7
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