Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Sudan new govt – Conceding with no conditions

By Kuir Garang

Sept 24, 2005 — It is very much true to say that Khartoum Monitor over-reacted but the other side of the story is testimonial of the fact. When opinion changes places with the facts, and this case, exist as one and the same through projection of the topical issue, one is left wondering as to whether South Sudan and Sudan in general has a predetermined path.

Whether by doctrinal portrayal of archaism; or a typical fear that builds an impression of inferior other, a South Sudanese youth is left frisking for answers as to the origin and seeming destiny of the country. An inferior echo should be allowed the take what he wants for his trial because, at the end of the day, he comes to nothing worthy of look. But why I, as an inferior voice, is locked out of political significance, when I am known not to possess a menace as my heritage and history manifests, puzzles me. I am left with a question as to why I am not left to dangle to my demise. I will never get the answer!

A united Sudan would be/ would have been an apple; not exhaustible and not worthy of abandonment; a country where the world would look at with obvious envy, a blessing of the Emerging UNKNOWN. It would have been the real melting pot, but one is left to ask, perhaps die with no answers, why the Northern Sudanese mind-set never changes.

An irony in the Sudanese situation leaves on wondering whether, the North and the government of Sudan is, a gang of loonybin who don’t know the impact of their deeds, or a mass of intelligent personalities who read the minds of their opponents or a race that is courageous enough and knows that whatever they say is powerful in every sense.

? We have to make unity attractive’! Do we have to make it attractive by showing the South that that the nucleus of the government belongs to the North? Do we have to make unity attractive by showing the South that the North doesn’t compromise? Do we have to make unity attractive by showing the South that some ministerial posts are significant and that the South should not have them? I am either an idiot or someone will prove me right!

If unity was to be made attractive, and the North believes that the South can exist as an inseparable organ of the North, then any ministry going to the South would not mean anything. Making unity attractive is, as everyone knows, a verbal monstrous naivety. We have heard making unity attractive but what is done to make it attractive is meant to make it otherwise. As Waswahili say ?afukuzaye akuaambii toka‘. It is apparent that the North is indirectly telling the South to secede. The fact that allocating ?important’ ministries to the South proved problematic is a crystal manifest that unity is in fact pronounced with demoniacal irony.

Either the NCP is a fool of idiots who think that what they say and do is making unity unattractive to the most mundane and ordinary of minds or they are brave iron heads who know the CPA is as dead as Garang e Mabior.

One is left with no reason but to think of NCP as a bench of dodos if they think they are making unity attractive, but blaming them or showing excessively audible out-cry isn’t going to help. The South and North have Sons and daughters who can paint a different face of the country: no one lives for ever and no amount of indoctrination is not changeable. However, when a misfortune strikes the first that a sane person does is to check what her/she might have done wrong before blaming others. Kiir is wrong in concession! A threat of war is as bad a news to NCP as it is to the embattled masses in the South. But does not compromising in a truth ground mean a call for war? If the Beshir threatened war for the sake of oil, then who would be seen as going against the peace? Why is it SPLMA and not Beshir who is given pressure? Where have the ?partners ? in the peace negotiation been for the last forty years of struggle?

Kiir has shown a weak side that would take him decade to clean. He has shown that he is as weak as he looks, but calling for his resignation would increase his overt weakness! Calling for his resignation, for those who cry again his proposed resignation, is only a call for him to know that CPA is not a ?deity’ but a paper; and that he needs to be strong in opinions. Those who told him to concede will be the first to put him down! Politics is a circular!

Accepting the foreign ministry is a shame that I found hard to swallow. Giving the atrocities an African face and the mere fact that Sudan is a member of an Arab league, is not only a shame to SPLM, THE SOUTH and the person of Lam Akol, but an insult to the cause! Retaining of interior, energy, defense and finance, either shows NCP intentions or their fear of SPLM. In any case, they don’t make unity attractive.

Beshir has this to say, but with bracketed explaining questions:

“This government is a good omen (because nothing changed with the Afro-Arabs and that insincerity has began) and represents the will of the Sudanese people ( when Sudan means the north) to establish peace and consolidate national unity (the voice of the shamelessness)”

* Kuir Garang, a Sudanese from Montreal Canada. [email protected]

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