Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Enemies of Peace

By Watts Roba Gibia Nyirigwa

Oct 5, 2005 — The threat to comprehensive peace agreement continues to mount from various directions in all parts of Sudan through the enemies of peace. And it is the real act of evils to derail the peace process. Last month when the school bus was attacked at Loka in Equatoria, 14 people were killed most of them were women and children, and it was overwhelmingly blamed on the Lord Resistance Army (LRA). And the President of government of south Sudan and SPLM/A Chairman, Salva Kiir warned that if LRA does not relinquish or conclude a political settlement with Ugandan government, the SPLA will have no option but to force the LRA out of south Sudan.

It was obvious that the enemies of peace were determined and adamant to fight peace from various parts of Sudan and in various methods, and particularly from south Sudan, even after signing the peace agreement on January 9, 2005, to cause chaos and sedition among the southern Sudanese communities in particular. And the government of south Sudan seems to be in a complete dilemma as what was or is her first priority, appointing members to government of national unity, selecting members to south legislative assembly, formation of the south government or strengthening its provisions.

Sudan is notoriously known on blaming the outsiders for its own internal problems even under severe humanitarian crisis and to demonstrate to the world that Sudan indeed cares about its people. These are the exact strategies and policies of the National Congress (NC) ruling elite circle to white wash and mislead the international community and its own people, they are extremely pragmatic and know exactly what they are doing, and it is very hard to break the ruling circle, as they know how to contemplate, plan and maneuver within the Sudanese political arena.

The continued escalation of war in Darfur, was or is the same continuation of NC/NIF (National Islamic Front) high profiled monstrous policies of divide, confuse and rule. And also a clear message to SPLM/A that NC/NIF is till at the peak of power even under the peace agreement. SPLM/A is now sidelined from the real play, trimmed and has become a tree without shadow to protect its people from the intrusive heat of sun. SPLM/A has become a real and ideal mechanical device to implementing NC/NIF policies rather than CPA implementation process. Not underestimating the capabilities, role and course of the SPLM/A leadership but trying to signal that do not waver and wither, and watch your backs from snipers and enemies of peace.

The Sudan media still continuous keeping SPLM officials busy on question of whether they stand for unity or for secession, as well as Northerners are pressing hard on Southerners to give a guarantee and to ascertain that actually they are for peace, as according to them Northerners have given lot of concessions in order to achieve the peace, and turning blind eyes to the real enemies of the peace which lies within the contest of the national ruling party and northerners themselves. Sadly enough the Sudanese media continuous to remind Sudanese people with the horrific and evil deeds of Popular Defence Forces (PDF) by praising PDF in the national TV and claiming their role in the continued development of Sudan, this act should be stopped as PDF have had bad reputation in the modern history of Sudan and their existence after Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) is void.

In his lecture about the peace in last month, Second Vice President Ali Osman Taha elaborated beyond doubt that the peace guarantees are not the presence of UN forces or the international community but it is the readiness of the Sudanese people and the two signatory parties! But where is the readiness, is it the war escalating in Darfur, Eastern Sudan or the government backed militias in south? Enough and stop white washing people’s minds with this highly rhetoric and cosmetically approaches, as what Sudanese people need at this crucial time is your true faces but not artificial ones. If you really wished peace to prevail in all parts of Sudan, show your actual faces, intentions and stop deprivation and lift your people from pit of poverty and death.

Peace is being engulfed by enemies in various forms, and the apparent movements of Lord Resistance Army (LRA) in Western Banks of Nile in Eastern Equatoria which is known locally by Tong-tong in Acholi (means cut-cut) meant to disrupt the peace in south, and the government backed militias in south, and no go zones in some parts of Upper Nile, continued violence in Darfur and Eastern Sudan, all are bad signs to the whole peace process. Our Southern leaders have to take any events on the ground seriously, and to ensure security and stability in all parts of south Sudan, there should be overhaul or review of the complete structure and system of government of south to meet the actual challenges on the ground. The issues on ground have to be genuinely addressed with boldness and courage. It was prominent that the local authorities on ground do not have coordinated systems in place for prompt actions, and code of conducts with high government authorities for the issues that were confronting them in their localities.

* Watts Roba Gibia Nyirigwa is a Sudanese from Cairo – Egypt. E-mail: [email protected]

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