Sunday, October 6, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

No to Ugandan army in the Southern Sudan

By Martin Abucha

Oct 11, 2005 — One is deeply disturbed to learn that, Sudan has one more time committed another mistake of allowing Uganda Peoples Defense Force (UPDF) to pursue LRA on our soil.

LRA has been fighting in Uganda for many years. It has been fighting against its government not Sudan for many years. During the past years of its struggle, it has not crossed to Sudan to cause havoc.

Since 2002, when Uganda manipulated Sudan to allow its forces to pursue LRA in Sudan started, we have seen the effects of UPDF on our soil. They have sealed the Uganda-Sudan board making it hard for LRA to enter Uganda. Thus, Uganda government has successfully transferred the battle field to Southern Sudan. This is a grave a mistake our leaders must realize. This should have not happened under our watch.

Since UPDF entered Southern Sudan in 2002, LRA has killed more people in Southern Sudan than in Uganda. In the last past year, all the LRA operations has been in the Southern Sudan, of late we have not heard LRA killing or abducting children in Uganda not to say we want it to happen but, the LRA activity are in Sudan. We have lost people to a war that does not belong to us. Our leaders should not allow our land and sons to pay for freedom of Uganda. Early this year, the United Nations registered over 8,500 refugees fleeing Southern Sudan due to LRA and the UPDF operations in Southern Sudan. This is contradicting the CPA, instead of coming home, we are heading out.

The presence of UPDF on the Sudanese soil should not send a false alarm; instead it should worry us from what we have seen. If we do not tell our leaders what the effects of this troops are on our security/stability they might not know. Many of our leaders do not know or understand what is happening on the ground. They should all take their time go and see for themselves what is happening on the ground. You can not solve a problem from Khartoum. Go and see what is happening where it is happening.

Finally, one would like to say that, the presence of UPDF in Southern Sudan has done more harm than good, why?

1. Uganda has successfully moved the battlefield from Uganda to Southern Sudan.

2. Uganda has sealed it boarder that its people are in peace while we in the Sudan are at war with someone who has nothing to do with us.

3. We have lost more to LRA in the last 3 years than Uganda has lost its sons fighting LRA.

4. Thousands our people have been displaces since UPDF entered Southern Sudan. As we speak, cities that were secured before UPDF entered Sudan are less secured and abandoned today due to UPDF and LRA operations e.g Magwi, Ame, Opari, Parjok, Agoro, Pageri to mention a few.

5. We are spending time fighting LRA than preparing for development and referendum.

6. Our leaders are relying on UPDF to eradicate LRA. This is a false analysis. It is us who are getting hurt most.

Judge for yourself if we need UPDF in Southern Sudan or NOT.

* Martin Abucha, is a Sudanese living in Phoenix Arizona USA

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