Thursday, December 19, 2024

Sudan Tribune

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Ethiopia opposition UEDF regrets absence of parliament during unrest

Nov 11, 2005 (ADDIS ABABA) — The opposition United Ethiopian Democratic Forces (UEDF) said they were astonished by the negligence of the federal parliamentary for not calling an extraordinary meeting to discuss the crisis that occurred in the country.

Beyene_Petros.jpgIn a 10-point statement they issued here on Friday, UEDF Executives and Former Ethiopian President, Negasso Gidada, who is now MP said though opposition parties’ MPs and Independent MP had requested the parliament to call an extraordinary meeting to discuss the situation two times, it had failed to do so.

The statement presented by Negasso Gidada, UEDF Chairman Beyene Petros and UEDF Deputy Chairman Merara Gudina demands the government to unconditionally release all opposition party leaders, members and supporters.

It also demands that the government to stop illegal killings of people and form a neutral body that investigates all killings that have taken place hitherto (June 10 and the recent).

The statement said the government immediately stop the illegal massive imprisonment of citizens by taking them from streets, their homes and work places.

It said it is ridiculous that the international community failed to give due attention to the crisis.

The statement also called on the international community to make pressure on the ruling party and government by considering the existing problem.

Negaso said while responding to questions raised by reporters that he had no information that the violence of masterminded by CUD.

CUD extremist leaders has issued an eight-point statement calling for instigating violence on October 29, 2005.

The Ethiopian government on its part had said repeatedly that it would set up an independent enquiry commission investigating the loss of lives and property damage.

The Police have released 2,417 detainees accused involving in the CUD-instigated riot after investigation, the federal police said on Thursday.


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