Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Sudan Tribune

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A cry for freedom and democracy in Ethiopia – message to Donors

By Abayneh Getahun

To: USA and EU Ambassadors in Ethiopia

Dear Sir (Madam),

Nov 13, 2005 (ADDIS ABABA) — I am a civil servant in Addis. This is to bring to your kind attention that the current regime in power is considering all civilians (specially youth) in Addis Ababa as enemies worthy of elimination.

Under a direct command and supervision of [Ethiopia’s Prime Minister] Melese (who was considered as a young “democrate” by most of you…because he has a good tangue to cheat most diplomates (sorry to say but it is fact!!)), heavily armed special forces of the tribal regime are doing whatever they want to do on families of Addis who can’t speak their (special forces’) language.
These forces of the tribal regime are heartlessly massacring and torchering many innocent civilians and flooding youngsters to somewhere unkown every night.
I know people whose fingers have been cut (for the mere reason that these fingures has been used by most residents to show the sign of victory, CUD’s election mark “V”).

In the rural areas also, any political speach, meeting or discussion is considered as a crime punishable by a variety of measures, that is often decided at the whim of the local cadre of the ruling regime – who receive orders from Melese and Bereket.

We (ETHIOPIANS) are neither allowed to read private news papers nor lucky to hear true news from government “MEDIAS” who are being financed by the tax payer.

Dear Sir (Madam), these are on top of what you all saw and heard since the May 15, 2005 election. But, have you ever heard of such a GOVERNMENT in Africa let alone in democratic countries like your own? I appreciate the current statement of the 21 ambassadors of friendly donor countries (but I doubt it is distorted by these state owned medias).

However, I’m not still satisfied. I can not see why you hesitate to put a strong pressure on the government so that we can excercise our constitutional rights? Otherwise, your sitting in Addis is not worth hearing and seeing the sufferings of the poor. Please take a minute and think whate you can do; I know you can make a difference.

We are unable to be governed by a party we elected, we are unable to express our ideas freely, we are unable to get free press and we are being beaten by the special forces of the tribal regime day and night. We are civilians, What can we do? we have nothing left, it is you, your friends and your country that can rescue us!!!!!
Finally, I just want to appereciate and thank Ms. Ana Gomes for her verifiable facts about the pre and post May 15, 2005 election – simply a true observer.

I hope to hear something good to ETHIOPIA from you!
Thank you for your attention.

With best regards,

*Abayneh Getahun can reached by email at ([email protected])

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