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Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Uganda rebel LRA welcomes Sudan’s SPLM offer of mediation

The Lord’s Resistance Army/Movement (LRA/M)

For Immediate Release

Nov 15, 2005 — The Lord’s Resistance Army / Movement (LRA/M) would like to welcome yesterday’s statement by the SPLM deputy chairman, VP and Minister of Housing, Land and Public Utility of the Government of Southern Sudan Dr. Riek Machar Tenydit that (quote) “the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement / Army (SPLM/A) leaders in Juba have offered to mediate between Joseph Kony’s Lord’s resistance Army (LRA) rebels and the Uganda government …”. To that effect therefore we would like to make the following declaration of good intent:

The LRA/M is ready to engage in negotiations with the SPLM/A and its representatives in the Government of South Sudan in order to reach and agree an understanding between the two organizations.

By so doing, we hope not only to explore ways of halting the humanitarian crisis in the region, but also bring the most wanted security and stability in order to allow for the return and resettlement of IDPs and other southern Sudanese citizens displaced elsewhere.

In the long run too, we also hope to find a just and lasting solution to the conflict in northern Uganda between ourselves (the LRA/M) and the Government of Uganda especially if:

– Such talks are conducted in a neutral country.
– An internationally recognized entity (ies) is/are present to moderate the process.
– All parties show that they are genuine in their intentions and are committed to the negotiations without putting forward any preconditions, which may hinder or stall the process.
– All parties recognize that justice, including respect for human rights, and mutual respect for one another are the key to mediation and reconciliation in order to find lasting solution and genuine peace and stability within the region.

The LRA/M is once again thanking the SPLM/A leadership for making this timely gesture which is not just a key element missing in previous attempts at peace talks with the Ugandan government but also a key turning point in the way this conflict will be finally resolved and future stability of the region will be maintained.

The LRA/M however, regrets that the same SPLM/A leadership that is offering to mediate is reportedly being asked to join the UPDF and the Sudanese Army in fighting the LRA composed mainly of ethnic communities from northern Ugandan and southern Sudan, thus complicating and escalating the conflict further. For this, and many other local and regional issues at stake, we hereby would like to welcome this SPLM/A statement by calling on their leadership to commit themselves to it.

The LRA/M Information Bureau, 11th November 2005.


Since its inception, the LRA/M struggle against the Ugandan dictatorship has been founded on political issues with clearly spelt out political objectives. We are well aware that this conflict has already caused so much humanitarian suffering and has brought neighboring countries close to wars and continue to cause regional tensions and instability ever since. The interconnectedness of the issues and parties to this conflict is far broader and more complex than is currently being perceived by both the Sudanese and Ugandan authorities.

The LRA/M believes in the principle that a peaceful resolution of the conflict through negotiations is the most rational and appropriate way of ending it and ultimately leading to a just and lasting peace between the entities involved. This approach we believe, would benefit all the suffering peoples of the affected areas, in northern Uganda and southern Sudan.

On several occasions the LRA/M agreed to enter into peace negotiations with the Government of Uganda, but President Museveni’s unwillingness to engage in meaningful and genuine negotiations either directly or indirectly torpedoed those attempts. We hope this time however, both the SPLM/A leadership and the Khartoum government will put pressure on Museveni to accept genuine peace talks, properly financed and organized, and when conducted, agreements reached are based on real political issues using internationally recognized laws and standards and which are legally binding on all parties to this conflict.

The LRA/M Information Bureau.

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