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Ethiopia’s OLF Press Release on protests in Oromia since November 9

Oromo Liberation Front

Press Release

Popular Oromo protests in 25th day

Dec 5, 2005 — We have been informing our international audience about the nation-wide protests of the Oromo people since November 9, 2005. This protest is in defiance of the injustice perpetrated by the Ethiopian government against our people. The protesters have also repeatedly and consistently voiced their support for the Oromo Liberation Front (OLF). Below is a summary of the continued uprising in various parts of Oromia since mid-November:


Students of the local schools and residents of the town have been confronting the Ethiopian army and police forces since the killing of three high school students by government forces early November. As a result the number of Oromos sent to remote and unknown prisons or concentration camps has risen to 130. The following is names of students arrested and imprisoned recently, excluding names we have already made public in our previous communiqué.

1. Daawwit Urgaa, senior, Ambo college

2. Taakalaa Darrasaa, 12th grade

3. Biiniyaam Baqqalaa, 9th grade

4. Shuummii Danadanaa, 10th grade

5. Tarrafaa Toleeraa, senior, Ambo college

6. Iminat Haayiluu, 10th garde

7. Dhugumaa Taaddalaa, 11th grade

8. Ashannafii Matakkaa, 11th grade

9. Tasfaaye badhaadhaa, 11th grade

10. Baqqalaa Uumaa, 11th garde

11. Warquu fayeeraa, 10th garde

12. Abarraa Hirphaa, 10th grade

13. Mootii Motummaa, 9th garde

These students are help in incommunicado and we are afraid they may be subjected to continuous torture and denial of food and drinks.

We have been notified that on December 5, 2005, five separate explosions took place in Ambo town. So far no report of causalities has been released. We are concerned, that the government will blame students and other innocent bystanders using them as escape goats after secretly masterminding the explosions. In the past, it has repeatedly used such tactics to create a pretext for imprisonment of large number of people.


On November 29, 2005 Oromo students in Jalduu district of Western Shawaa zone staged a peaceful demonstration. As usual, the Ethiopian police attacked the protestors killing 2 students, Habtaamuu Bayyataa and Fiqaaduu on the spot, critically injuring two more, Nurressaa Katamaa xaafaa, and also wounding several others. One policeman has been reported to have been hurt during this demonstration. There has been extensive campaign of arrest in this district in both the city and the countryside. All schools in Jalduu remain closed since the uprising began. Similar protests are going on in neighboring districts of Geedoo and Haratoo.

Finfinnee (Addis Ababa)

On December 3, 2005, the newly appointed puppet President of Oromia, Mr. Minaase W. Georgis attempted to organize a meeting with Oromo students at Addis Ababa University. The questions raised by Oromo students included; the realization Oromo right to self-determination and to that end, a referendum for Oromos in the presence of the OLF. They also questioned OPDOs (Mr. W. Giorgis’ party) moral authority to represent Oromos while the party is actively involved in the killings and mass-imprisonment of the Oromo people as the right hand of the TPLF regime. Failing to answer any of the questions raised by the students, the marionette President aborted the meeting.

Daroolabuu and Machaaraa

Discomforted by the continued uprising of the Oromo people in Harargee zone Mr. Minaase W. Georgis arrived at the city of Sakina, in Daroolabu district on Nov, 20, 2005. When the news of his arrival was leaked, Oromo quickly gathered in the thousands and staged a demonstration, chanting and demanding implementation of article 39 of the Ethiopian constitution, demanding an immediate release of members of Macha and Tulama Self-help Organization, voicing their support for the OLF, and rejecting Minaase W. Giorgis as President of Oromia. Minaase immediately turned around and left the area without meeting anyone. Embarrassed by this development, the local OPDOs later embarked on indiscriminately harassing the residents. Their attempt to murder a resident named Diitaa Ahmad Muummee failed, but Diitaa was wounded slightly by a bullet shot by an OPDO envoy. We have been told that the OPDO has demand that Diitaa pay for the lost bullet, reminiscent of the Durg. We are in possession of individuals who are still engaged in harassing the people and might have perpetrated a crime. Some of these individuals are:

1. Abdalla Aamee (City mayor)

2. Ahmad Abdurahman

3. Hassan Abdishu

4. Raabii H/Hassan

5. Mahammad Aamme Roobaa

6. Mahammad Ahmad baker

7. Kaalid Mahammad Nurree.


On Nov, 24, 2005, the residents of Shambuu protested by closing the main road leading to Baakkoo, thereby cutting the main line to and from the city. Similarly, on November 22, Oromos residing along the main road linking Finifinee and Western Oromia closed this artery highway at a place called Asgorii. Demonstrators gathered at the blockage chanted slogans denouncing the Meles’ regime. The Ethiopian police was dispatched to the area to disperse the demonstrators who courageously resisted the police for several hours.


Oromo students at the Jimmaa Teacher’s College staged peaceful demonstration on November 25, 2005. The wayane police attacked and injured several students while arresting 24. The arrested students are:

1. Amanuu Wayyoo

2. Olqaba Ibsaa

3. Badhaatu Ayyaanaa

4. Biranu Tulluu

5. Mohammad suleman

6. Amanu abdullahii

7. Kasahun Getacho

8. Suleman Misganaa

9. Xayibaa Abbu

10. Hasha Raayaa

11. Fasiya Reebaa

12. Yashii Alamuu

13. Chuchu Mokonon

14. Abdulshakur Mohaa Umar

15. Abduu Abaa Joobir

16. Tananyee Qananiisaa

17. Sisay Abarra.

Two of these students suffered serious injuries and so far did not receive any medical attention. In the statement released by the students, the students called on the Oromo people to continue their struggle against tyranny until the Oromo questions are answered. On their part, the students re-affirmed their determination to continue their struggle.


Like in most other parts of Oromia, Oromo uprising in the Bale zone has been growing over the last several weeks. On November 21, 2005, the Oromo people residing along the main road leading to Finifnee expressed their protest by blocking the main highway using boulders and rocks. In retaliation, the police was ordered to arrest anyone seen outdoor after 9:00 pm. The police have been conducting 24 hour surveillance around residences of individuals suspected of sympathizing with the OLF. Students at Roobee Teacher’s Training College are also under blockade. Two students: Jamaal Guyyee and Tasfaayee Jamaal were arrested last week. Their whereabouts are unknown.


On November 19, 2005, around 8:30 pm, the police shot a young boy. This has caused much tension in this and neighboring towns. As a result, a nearby town, Dalloo Sabroo is now under siege by heavily armed government forces. Residents are harassed and their movement within the town is heavily restricted.


All schools in and around Kofalee district remain closed since the uprising was ignited in early November. Extensive campaign of arrest has been unleashed in both the town of Kofalee and its surroundings. Eyewitness reports have reported that people are jammed into small cells and tortured daily.

This is just a summary of our people’s resistance to the brutality of the Ethiopian government. We hereby appeal to all concerned organizations, governments, UN and other agencies to express their strong objection to Mr. Meles Zenawi’s brutal treatment of innocent civilians and students, demand that the Ethiopian regime addresses the root causes of these protests by respecting the rights of the Oromo and all peoples of Ethiopia.

– Oromo Liberation Front
– External Information Division
– Foreign Relations Department

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