Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

South Kordofan governor urges inter-communitarian tolerance

Dec 7, 2005 (KADUGLI) — The governor of southern Kordofan has urged the various communities in his state to tolerate one another and live in harmony.

Governor Ismaeil Jallab told a delegation from the Ajwaa ethnic group in Delenj County last Friday that they should live in peace with their Arab neighbours.

The delegation had gone to pay their respects to the new governor-a member of the SPLM- at his residence in Kadugli town.

The delegates came to congratulate and support the governor of southern Kordofan, who told them that the SPLM did not fight for power but fought for freedom and inclusiveness in the whole country.

The governor also pledged to extend services to all parts of the state with particular emphasis on education.


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