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Sudan Tribune

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US envoy terms trial of Ethiopian opposition activists “divisive”

Jan 5, 2006 (ADDIS ABABA) — A United States diplomat in Ethiopia has described as “divisive” the decision by Ethiopian government authorities to try 129 opposition leaders, journalists and local aid workers, on charges including treason and genocide.

“What is needed is reconciliation and communication,” said Vicki Huddleston, the charge d’Affaires at the American embassy in the Ethiopian capital of Addis Ababa.

Speaking on Thursday, a day after chaotic courtroom scenes when all of the defendants were denied bail, Huddleston called for them to receive better access to legal counsel, and for a speedier judicial process.

Defence lawyers have boycotted proceedings, complaining of being prevented from meeting their clients, who if convicted, face sentences ranging from three years in prison to the death penalty.

It is rare for US diplomats to publicly criticize Ethiopia. Huddleston said charges against five local Voice of America (VOA) reporters, accused of “outrages against the constitution”, should be dropped.

“We are very concerned about the indictment against the VOA personnel, who are US government personnel,” she said. “If the Ethiopian government has an issue with VOA, it needs to be taken up directly with the US government and the embassy – not in a court of law.”

An international charity, Action Aid, also criticized the trial of two of senior members of its national staff, Daniel Bekele, and Netsanet Demise of the organization for Social Justice in Ethiopia.

Huddleston announced the US would no longer sell US “Humvee” military vehicles to Ethiopia, originally intended to boost Ethiopia’s anti terrorism efforts along the country’s border with Somalia. The vehicles have been used to patrol neighbourhoods in Addis Ababa.

Huddleston welcomed ongoing talks between some opposition leaders and Prime Minister Meles Zenawi. She also praised a promised review of Ethiopia’s election board and its parliamentary rules.


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