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Sudan Tribune

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Ethiopian protesters-police clash, one killed , 33 wounded

Jan 20, 2006 (ADDIS ABABA) — Ethiopian Police opened fire on stone-throwing protesters in Addis Ababa Friday, leaving one person dead and 33 wounded, police and doctors said, as annual religious processions turned into political protests for a second straight day.

Demonstrations were reported in several neighborhoods across Addis Ababa, and riot police drove through the city. Some of the police trucks appeared to be carrying people wounded from the clashes, though their destination was not immediately clear.

A senior police officer said a hand grenade was thrown at a patrol providing security for a religious procession, injuring three officers.

“The problem started when this hand grenade was thrown by unidentified people during the religious celebration in Yeka Michael church. Police were trying to cool down the problem where some people were injured,” the officer said, asking not to be named because he was not the official spokesman.

Four more officers were injured in the ensuing clashes and one civilian died from a gunshot wound, he added. No arrest figures were immediately available.

The protesters were shouting slogans denouncing the head of the Ethiopian Orthodox Church, who was leading the religious observations, one witness said, asking not to be named for fear of retribution.

The church patriarch, Abune Paulos, has been criticized by opposition supporters for being too close to Ethiopia’s ruling party.

Doctors at the main Menelik Hospital said they were treating 20 people with gunshot wounds, two of whom were in surgery. Other hospitals also reported receiving six more wounded people, but none of the doctors would give their names for fear of arrest.

“The majority of them are shot in the legs and in the chest, but there are a few shot in the head. They are getting treatment so I can’t tell you the figure,” one doctor said between treating patients.

Some of those undergoing treatment said the police opened fire indiscriminately.

“I don’t really know what was happening to me. I was shot by the police twice, one on my stomach and one on my throat,” said 16-year-old Wubishet Solomon, who said he was listening to religious music when the shooting started.

Other witnesses described how protesters were throwing stones and the police responded with gunfire.

Minor protests began Thursday afternoon during Timkat, one of Ethiopia’s most important religious observances.

Traditionally, tens of thousands of members of the Ethiopian Orthodox Church march through the streets carrying replicas of the Arc of the Covenant, which they believe is kept safe in northern Ethiopia.

During Thursday’s protests, marchers began chanting opposition political slogans and throwing stones at police, a police statement said.

The police used live ammunition to quell the demonstrations, shooting one man in the pelvis and leaving three others seriously wounded, the injured man, Pedros Gizaw, told The Associated Press on Thursday.

The clashes began the day after U.S. Assistant Secretary of State for Africa Jendayi Frazer arrived in the country, and after Hillary Benn, Britain’s international development secretary, cut all of his country’s aid to Ethiopia’s government because of serious concerns about Ethiopia’s commitment to good governance and human rights.

Political unrest in Ethiopia began in June 2005 following disputed elections that returned the governing party to power and led to 88 protesters being killed by security forces.

Prime Minister Meles Zenawi ordered the arrest of most senior opposition leaders and the editors of several independent newspapers. They have been charged with treason and genocide, a move that has sparked international criticism.

Meles has also banned political demonstrations, but opposition supporters appear to be mounting protests under the cover of Timkat, which was scheduled to end Friday.


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