Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

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Kenya to back Sudan nomination for AU chairmanship

Jan 21, 2006 (KHARTOUM) — Director of the Horn of Africa Department at the Kenyan Foreign Ministry, Ambassador David Mulem, has affirmed his country’s keenness to support the nomination of Sudan for the chairmanship of the African Union for the coming session.

In a press statement to SUNA, the Kenyan envoy stressed Kenya’s belief that the Sudanese national unity and South Sudan governments are committed to the implementation of the Comprehensive Peace agreement.

He said that the international community and the African Union are required to live up to their role to boost implementation of Sudan’s Comprehensive Peace Agreement.

The Kenyan official indicated the rehabilitation of south Sudan poses a real challenge which faces both the national unity and South Sudan governments.

He pointed out that peace and stability in African are top issue in the agenda of the upcoming African Summit in Khartoum. Meanwhile, the Kenyan diplomat said that Africa is needy to enhance its educational curriculum and to unite them at all the African countries.

He appreciated the efforts of the educational and cultural organizations and institutions, which are operating in the educational and cultural domains in Africa.

He also called on the African states to fulfil their financial commitments in time, so that the African Union can shoulder up its role in handling the African issues.

The Kenyan official has stressed the readiness of Kenya to continue its role in bolstering the implementation of the Sudanese comprehensive Peace Agreement, which was signed in Nairobi in January 2005.


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