Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan


The newly appointed UN peacekeeping chief Hervé Ladsous, Sunday praised the efforts done by the joint African Union –United Nation operation to reduce violence in Darfur region.

Darfur is the first UN field operation that the new Under-Secretary-General for Peacekeeping Operations visits since his appointment in September replacing Alain Le Roy. The UNAMID is the largest of UN peacekeeping mission with 15,553 military personnel and 4,625 police besides civilian staff.

“When we remember the horrors and violence of seven years ago and look at the situation now, I think you can be proud—of your compassion, your energy and your sacrifices,” he said in a meeting with several hundred staff and uniformed personnel at the headquarters of the mission in El-Fasher.

Ladsous and UNAMID chief Ibrahim Gambari inspected a UNAMID team site at Shangil Tobaya, 55 kilometres south of El Fasher, in North Darfur. The visiting official also met with a group of community leader there who urged him to facilitate access to water and support education.

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