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Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Reflection on AU Khartoum summit

Watts Roba Gibia Nyirigwa*

Feb 2, 2006 — The African Union like its member states is always at limbo and without any economic influence due to lack of model, democratic governance and inclination in focusing on the actual anxieties of the street man. As since the birth of organization, we have been hearing verbal promises and reiteration from our leaders without drastic measures on the ground. But instead poverty, hunger, disease, illiteracy and conflicts have become the predominant features of the African continent. The challenges facing Africa is immense and diverse, due to poverty, illiteracy, personal and tribal empowerment, and requires a real commitment and joint efforts to confront and overcome these persistent and calamitous problems. As there should be absolute transparency, accountability, good governance and respect to human dignity in each member state to attain decent living for African people. We can’t resolve continent’s quandaries unless by setting our own houses in order. That is, you can’t notify your brother or sister that there is a thorn in his/her eye unless you eliminate yours’ first! And that is problematic with our African leaders, as each has got its own thorn. Thus, there is no African leader who criticizes another leader unless on conflicting grounds or if their interest do not convene. Even under chaotic and disastrous human torment, there is no clear stand, censure and condemnation of the human tragedy, as every leader is scary about its own position, and prefers not to speak up. And that was evidential in the various conflicts, such as civil war in Rwanda, Congo and between south Sudan and north, where people were slaughtered and massacred in absolute stillness. Darfur at same juncture, and the entire international community, who treasured human dignity, funding AU mission in Darfur as well as humanitarian relief, condemned and accused Khartoum of committing atrocities and genocide in Darfur, and requested tougher actions against Khartoum. But African leaders as well as regional organizations such as Arab League, never condemned Khartoum behavior but instead praised and supported Khartoum’s filthy actions, and said Darfur quandary should be resolved within AU contest! But is the AU competent in resolving, funding, providing logistical and material support to its forces within the continent? You can’t be a master of your household in words, but deeds. Thus, we have never seen AU or African country primary role in any humanitarian relief efforts in the continent, such as hunger plight in Ethiopia, Sudan and Niger last year! And this is due to the lack of good governance and economic influence.

There is no doubt, that Khartoum succeeded in organizing the summit with luxurious facilities to host African leaders and representatives on the account of deprived and derelict Sudanese citizens which cost Khartoum more than £15 million, reflects the true charlatan image of Khartoum but not Sudan. But with all these confined lavish facilities, were the leaders contented in their snug villas! Unless they were unconscious that vast parts of Sudan is in profound dejection and without minimum or basic standard of living and heath care services. Khartoum believes that the tripartite capital is Sudan, and not keen to spend any penny beyond Khartoum borders. And that was clear in extracting south’s oil to the development in north (Khartoum) and leaving south in absolute poverty! And I believe most of Sudanese if not all will agree with me that throughout the history of Sudan, we have never seen one day that President of Sudan was having meeting with one of world/regional leaders or hosting summits in any part of Sudan rather than Khartoum. Here we have to question the veracity and patriotism of Khartoum government, as whether she is truly devoted to equitably development of Sudan! And this is the real issue with Khartoum which everyone has to address it. As the advance of Sudan shouldn’t be selective and based on prejudice and imparity. Hence, I wonder, with this bogus image, what role Sudan will play in Africa, as the weight and role of the country normally emerges from its realities and influence. Thus, the claimed achievement of Khartoum summit was on organizing merits, but the really achievement is the denial of chair to Khartoum. And instead the summit has been marked by cavernous split among the African leaders, and prevalence of gloomy humor over the summit.

In his closing speech, President al-Bashir said, summit came out with recommendation that “Move Africa Forward”, but how can we move Africa forward and have its place in the international community, while we were signifying contradictory perception, as summit itself, witnessed uncivilized behavior from Khartoum security by storming an open civil society forum convened in connection with AU summit on January 22, 2006, where number of human rights and non-governmental organizations were detained! Was that the indication of moving Africa forward? And was the previous AU summits witnessed such kind of behavior in its forum? I don’t think so, as this was the first time in AU history for a hosting country to storm and arrest civil society forum delegation to the summit! This attitude disqualifies Khartoum to host and chair AU and “Move Africa Forward”, but rather backward in darkness era and jungle law! Al-Bashir went on to say that we want Africa that is free from conflicts, hunger and poverty! How could conflict’s breeding mother, speak on gratis of conflicts, hunger and poverty while she is deeply torn apart by conflicts, hunger and poverty! I think Sudan has to discontinue propagation of conflicts and transform itself and remove its thorn before she could speak out on entire Africa’s house. Let us be perspicuous here, as for a speech to have its significance and impact, has to be evidenced on facts and influence of country or speaker’s position, but not merely speech with hypocrites essence. I think Khartoum has to wake up from her egoism and illusion, and be realistic and see who sponsored south-north peace talks, funding AU in Darfur, funding Abuja talks, humanitarian relief in Sudan, the entire peace process and expected building of war torn areas in Sudan! I think Khartoum has to question its integrity first before questioning others integrity and see who are the actual hostages in Africa! Yes, Sudan has entered into new phase, but partially by signing south-north agreement, formation of government of national unity, GOSS, state governments and other commissions, but yet these are cosmetically changes which do not constitute overall change in Sudan. Unless we resolve conflicts in Darfur, east and implement peace deal in south to the letter, Sudan will never have inclusive peace, and the majority of Sudanese people will remain hostages to Khartoum government.

* Watts Roba Gibia Nyirigwa is a Sudan Tribune columnist, he can be reached at [email protected]

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