Thursday, July 18, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Sudan hails India PM’s peace initiative with Pakistan

By Hindustan Times

KHARTOUM, Oct. 23, 2003 — Welcoming Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee’s initiative for improving ties with Pakistan, Sudan has supported resolution of all Indo-Pak issues through dialogue and peaceful means.

In a joint statement issued at the conclusion of President APJ Abdul Kalam’s visit to this African nation on Wednesday, the two sides “in line with their commitment to the UN Security Council Resolution affirmed their condemnation of terrorism in all its forms and manifestations”.

Reaffirming their conviction that terrorism knows no religion or geographical boundaries, the two stressed the need to combat this global menace.

“Sudan welcomed the initiative taken by the Prime Minister of India aimed at fostering friendship and good neighbourly relations between India and Pakistan, and supports resolution of India-Pakistan issues through dialogue and peaceful means,” the statement said.

Both countries shared the conviction that the emerging world order should be just, equitable, multi-polar and built on the principles of democracy, sovereign equality, territorial integrity, non-interference in the internal affairs of states and the peaceful settlement of disputes.

Sudan came out strongly in support of a permanent seat for India in the UN Security Council and both sides agreed to closely coordinate positions in the International foray.

The two nations shared the view that there was an imperative need for a comprehensive reform of the UN system including an expanded security council to make it more representative and responsive to the needs and aspirations of the developing countries.

Hailing the position taken by the developing countries during the recently concluded WTO Ministerial meeting in Cancun, the two countries reaffirmed their faith in the Non-aligned Movement and stressed the importance of its revitalisation, sustainable development, food security, as well as issues of international peace and security.

Expressing satisfaction that the strategic partnership between the two countries in the oil sector has taken shape with the landmark entry of the Indian ONGC-OVL into the GNPOC, they underscored the need for further Indian involvement in the oil and energy sectors and related industries.

Both sides also underscored the need for further Indian involvement in the oil and energy sectors and related industries.

In this connection, the two sides took note of the Sudanese Ministry of Energy and Mining agreeing to offer the project of Port Sudan oil refinery expansion and the project of Khartoum-Port Sudan petroleum products pipeline to ONGC-OVL in view of their good performance and excellent relationship between them and expressed their hope that these contracts be signed expeditiously.

The statement took note of the two agreements and the Memorandum of Understanding arrived at during the visit.

The two countries also inked a Bilateral Agreement on the Promotion and Protection of Investment, Agreement on the Avoidance of Double Taxation and a Memorandum of Understanding on Co-operation in Communications and Information Technology.

Reaffirming their vision for closer and stronger relationship between the two countries, they stressed that the traditional and historical ties between India and Sudan should be further strengthened and expanded.

Observing that relations between Sudan and India have always been cordial and friendly, the two sides said that the Indo-Sudanese relations were characterised by deep and abiding bonds based on friendship, culture and a shared civilisation heritage.

On the West Asia issue, both countries called for an early establishment of a Palestinian State in accordance with the relevant UN and Security Council Resolutions so as to end the Israeli occupation.

On the situation in Africa, the two sides expressed satisfaction over the positive developments in the continent represented by the establishment of the African Union, with NEPAD as its economic arm.

The Sudanese side expressed its appreciation of India’s commitment to work closely with Africa in the contest of NEPAD, pursuant to the traditional ties of co-operation and solidarity that have always characterised Indo-African relations and appreciated to that end, the recently launched “Focus Africa Programme” by the Government of India aimed at enhancement of those historic ties.

India also reiterated its position in support of Sudan’s unity and territorial integrity.

Sudanese President Omar Hassan Ahmed Al-Bashir called on President Kalam to share and participate in the consolidation and peace and in the reconstruction efforts in various parts of the country. India promised to do everything possible.

The two sides exchanged views on India’s vision as a developed country by 2020 and Sudan’s 25-year strategic plan for development. Both sides commended the ongoing efforts to realise those lofty goals and need to share experiences and insights.

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