Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

SSDF PR on the People’s Republic of China behavior toward the South


Press Release

Feb 16, 2006 — Given Mainland’s China behavior towards the South, not only providing sophisticated weaponry to the Government of Sudan but also its continued support of the GOS to pump oil in Greater Upper Nile, the SSDF has not decided yet on whether to adapt a “one-China policy”. Recently, Chinese oil companies have frustrated our efforts in discussions with the GOS. What Beijing fails to realize is that in the South, we control the oil. We will not let them drill in blocks 3 and 7. In addition, if any part of the South goes independent then any contract they have with the GOS is moot.

SSUDA/SSDF urges and appeals to Western investors to join us in strong opposition to PRC policies in Sudan and South Sudan in particular. South Sudan will not be another Tibet or the gateway for the People’s Republic of China new imperialism in Africa.

Given Beijing’s policies in Sudan, we are considering to open discussions with Taiwan. Unless, Beijing changes policies immediately, we will open all our vast resources to Taiwanese investment.

Things can go both ways.

– Signed: David D. Chand, PhD
– Spokesman/Director for External Affairs, SSUDA/SSDF

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