Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Ghost of UN forces to Darfur, started shaking Sudan’s govt

Watts Roba Gibia Nyirigwa*

Mar 15, 2006 — The yet to be consented UN intervention into Darfur on humanitarian basis to protect civilians, have rallied most of Sudanese if not all behind the government, and have exposed the interior icon of Sudanese government on one hand and religious radicalism on the other hand. The government’s general mobilization of the Sudanese masses prior to the UN Security Council approval to the UN forces to Darfur, exhibits unsteady and shaky diplomatic approach of Khartoum toward facing the international pressure. I believe as a sovereign country, the UN forces will not touch Sudanese soil unless by approval of Khartoum government. As the current row which we have seen from the various demonstrations in Sudan, was not based on actual reality or tangible object, but it was only the ghost of UN forces and international community turning Sudan around its axis. But it seems our zeal of nationalism and religious radicalism has blinded us from seeing the actual torment and misery of our brothers and sisters in Darfur. If we put ourselves into Darfurian shoes, what would be our stand, and how would we oversee events inflicting our daily lives? And this is obvious in a wise saying that, one’s hand in hot water is not like a person whose hand is in cold water.

The general mobilization of Sudanese masses, has directed the country toward extremism and anti-foreigners, as for the first time in the Sudanese modern history, demonstrators were calling and saying “get out all foreigners” without differentiation. Most disturbingly was the offering ransom for the head of UN representative in Sudan and US charge d’affairs in Khartoum! This is a dangerous trend which Sudan is embarking, and it will not be for the best interest of the country. To date, Sudan was not able to disarm Janjaweed militias and has no intention to do that, and that was apparent by giving birth to another radical Janjaweed brother “Darfur Jihad Organization”. These two brothers will continue to destabilize and obstruct the efforts of the AU, UN aids and NGOs to subsidize the calamity of civilians in Darfur.

Despite the fact that during the demonstration, soldiers were chanting “our martyrs are in heaven, and we are ready”, yet some Sudanese think that the government can not solve the problem, nor can the African Union and they were saying that “we want America to come in”. Those are the Sudanese who were not viewing things by emotions but rather by the actual sense of the events on the ground and the capacity of resolving it, and not like other Sudanese segment who were viewing country’s predicament on emotional basis. And despite Khartoum’s threats and mobilization of Jihad against the international community, yet EU Solana said “we are going to get very serious on Sudan”, and this is a positive message that despite Sudan’s position, yet the international community will stand firm to Darfur issue and support AU forces by logistics and other elements of communication till peace is concluded in ravaged Darfur.

According to the Khartoum government and some Sudanese prominent figures, the Sudan’s or Darfur’s problem is being magnified and internationalized by the foreign media. But does this speculation constitute that there is no problems in Sudan or it was just a rhetoric approach to distort general opinion. According to UNMIS monitoring report dated March 7, 2006 that the situation in Darfur unfortunately continuous to deteriorate, and that human rights abuses continue to be perpetrated by all parties. The report went on to say that disturbingly, in many cases the perpetrators of human rights violations in Darfur are described as men in uniform who should provide security to the population! These are the situation which Khartoum has to mobilize and exert efforts to eradicate and provide security and safety to its people to block foreign intervention, but unfortunately Khartoum and its backed Janjaweed militias continuous with its atrocities against the innocent civilians rather than protecting them.

UNMIS report went on pointing that despite last year’s peace agreement, the Sudanese people see little or no change in their everyday lives, and that the situation in south remain fragile, while the rights to education, health, housing and development are almost inexistent! These are the realities of the situation in which Khartoum government and Sudanese masses has to focus on, and mobilize Jihad against disease, poverty and development to elevate living standards for Sudanese people in every corner of the country, instead of mobilizing Jihad against international community who are trying to assist and find a suitable medication to Sudan’s chronic diseases, not with aim of occupying Sudan as being speculated in the Sudanese media. As the situation in Sudan is different from that of Afganstan and Iraq, and there was no comparison unless if the ruling party was scary about her political future under the current call for New Sudan. The on going conflicts in Darfur, eastern Sudan and Northern Kordofan, has gave a free hand to Khartoum, and according to credible reports that the security apparatus continue to arbitrarily arrest and detain, and the detainees are subjected to torture and ill-treatment and denied pre-trial and fair trial guarantees according to UN rapporteur. The record of human rights abuses in Sudan won’t improve unless Sudan undergoes democratic transformation, respect of human dignity, equal opportunity and freedom of self expression without any discriminative intimidation from the security organs. There was also fear and concern that the situation at eastern town Hamesh Koreib will explode at any time, as the situation remains tense. This was apparently due to Khartoum’s eviction to International Rescue Committee and Samaritans Purse Relief International, indicates that Khartoum was preparing a swift attack on the town upon relinquish of SPLM from the town. Thus, an effort has to be exerted here to defuse this time bomb or otherwise it will be another catastrophic situation.

Sudanese should have conscious and compassion toward their brothers and sisters who are screaming day and night for help in every corner of Sudan and particularly in Darfur. The gloomy picture tinted by UN official Jan Egeland about the current situation in Darfur, is obvious and very moving and touches everyone’s heart. And it is actually, a real test case for the world and how this generation will deal with people hanging on by their fingernails to avoid falling into the deep hole! Disturbingly, the plight of foreign aid workers who volunteered their lives to assist and bring laughter back to the lips of Darfurian people, have being subjected to hijacking, harassment and kidnapping. And this barbaric act has to be stopped at once, and the involved parties in Darfur have to guarantee the security and safety of humanitarian workers in the region.

* Watts Roba Gibia Nyirigwa is a Sudan Tribune columnist, he can be reached at [email protected]

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