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Sudan Tribune

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Ethiopia – Differences between CUD and TPLF

By Dhugaa Baasuu*

April 12, 2006 — Coalition for Unity and Democracy (CUD) is an emerging, strong, and main opposition party in Ethiopia at the moment. Tigray People Liberation Front (TPLF) has been the ruling party since 1991 after overthrowing the dictator regime. In this article, I am going to discuss some of the main differences between CUD and TPLF.

There is no doubt that most of the CUD executive members are well educated and known not only in Ethiopia, but also worldwide. Dr. Mesfin Woldemariam is a respected geographer, lecturer and prominent human rights defender. Dr. Berhanu Nega is an economist. He received a PhD from the New School for Social Research and lectures at Addis Ababa University. Dr. Yacob Haile-Mariam taught for more than 15 years at the School of Business at Norfolk State University (VA) and served as a lead prosecutor for the UN Genocide Tribunal in Arusha, Tanzania. Dr. Befekadu Degefe is former professor of economics at Addis Ababa University where he taught for over twenty years while also contributing to the university’s Institute of Development Research. He is chair of the Ethiopian Economic Association. On the other hand, there are few educated people in TPLF. In fact, TPLF is the enemy of educated people. Our universities are almost like Badme every year. When I was undergraduate student at Addis Ababa University (AAU), one student asked Minister Genet Zewdie, “How many credit hours are beating, harassing, torturing, and killing in AAU?”

CUD believes in unitary system. One ethnic group called Amhara by Amaranizing other ethnic groups and one language called Amharic by imposing on other nations. This is really an old system, which can’t solve the problems in Ethiopia. If CUD is really concerned about democracy, it should be happy with Article 39 of Ethiopian constitution. Let people decide whether they want to unite or be independent. People should be given a chance to express their interest freely. Federalism is an excellent system provided that states are autonomous. Let us take two democratic countries. India is the largest democratic and second highly populated country in this world. There are about 28 states in India and some small areas are under the federal government. States have full freedom. The second example can be USA. There are about 50 different states in USA. The states exercise their constitutional right without federal government’s interference in both countries. Why federalism can’t work in Ethiopia? On the other hand, TPLF believes in false federalism. The states don’t have power.

CUD is fighting for the superiority of Amhara. Instead of confusing other nations, it is better if the name changes to Coalition of Amhara Parties for Unity and Democracy (CAPUD) instead of CUD. I know that there some people in CUD, who are from other ethnic groups mainly from Gurage and some from Oromo, but they are already Amaranized. There were so many Oromo like Gobena Deche, Menelik II himself (mother: Oromo) who were oppressing Oromo and other south nations and nationalities and people. The presence of few Oromo and other nations doesn’t guarantee the freedom of other nations. There are hidden agendas in CUD, which other nations might not understand very well. Its main aim is to bring back yesterday’s Ethiopia, which is almost impossible. On the other hand, TPLF is obviously for Tigre. TPLF has a clear agenda in representing people of Tigray.

CUD believes in privatizing land. There is frequent drought in Ethiopia. When there is drought, the farmers will sell their land and go to cities. Our cities especially Addis are already overcrowded by homeless people. As the number of homeless people increases, the crime rate increases drastically. On the other hand, TPLF’s policy is to give land ownership certificate so that the farmer can use for whatever purpose except selling is not allowed.

To conclude my article, I have tried to list some of the main differences between the two parties. The aim of CUD is just to transfer power from Tigre to Amhara, which is dangerous for the majority of people in Ethiopia. To solve the problems in Ethiopia, it is better to start dialogue between CAPUD (representing Amhara), TPLF, OLF, and other parties. Let the people of Ethiopia decide whether they want to unite or be independent. Unity in diversity is a very good idea, provided that the states are fully autonomous and at the same time, if there is no inciting of one nation over the other.

* The author is an Oromo, Ph.D. student, residing in USA and can be reached by [email protected]

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