Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

SSDF PR – How can you tell a liberator from a scam artist?


It is easy. Never listen to what they say, only watch what they actually do.

April 19, 2006 — The late Dr. John Garang called for a controversial “New Sudan”. Riek Machar has the word “liberator” in his email address. Rebecca Garang goes around begging for money for “her people”. But it is all a sham.

First, these so-called liberators from the SPLM managed to lose over $500 million of the people’s money of which at least $50 million went directly to the late Dr. Garang’s estate as confirmed by several government officials.

Now, watch the White Nile Ltd. scam. White Nile is an AIM listed stock on the London Stock Exchange with a former cricket player as its CEO (What is an ex-cricket player doing running a start-up drilling company with questionable rights in the Sudan and South Sudan in particular. (We do not know either). It currently has an outrageous market value of close to US$600 million. It is outrageous because if you look at comparable companies that have questionable rights in a complicated country, none of them come even close to this value. In addition, look at the set up of White Nile. They have a sweetheart deal getting 60% of the profit oil after it receives a 40% return on its investment. And lately the company’s stock price has been running up and it is not because the price of oil is going up.

The SPLM, conspiring with White Nile, intend to launder the money of the people of South Sudan. Moreover, why not, the SPLM learned its ways from some of the best crooks in Africa including former President Daniel Moi of Kenya and the current Marxist-Leninist dictator Yuri Museveni of Uganda. What will happen is that Mr. Salva Kiir will announce that Total of France will have the rights to drill in Block B but that compensation will have to pay to the shareholders of White Nile. We have already mobilized the locals to take over the control of their resources, shoot, and kill any foreign oil workers come without their permission. For instance, no Africans can go anywhere in the world to drill or siphon out oil or any other strategic critical minerals from any countries without permission of the host country. What rights do White Nile, Total of France, the Chinese and the Malaysian oil companies have to drill our oil without our consent? Is it because they claimed that they have signed agreement with the “sovereign”? Who is the real de jure “sovereign” the people of the south and the Nuer nation in particular or Khartoum? The International law would have to arbitrate on this interesting legal question eventually.

Currently, the non-GOSS shareholders of White Nile own 50% of the company so the GOSS will have to pay these shareholders at least US$300 million. But let us look closely at the shareholders of White Nile. We will find that the Dr. John Garang’s relatives are not only involved in the management of the company but also shareholders.

This is outrageous. How can the West including the US allow this blatant corruption to continue? Is USAID and the State Department as a whole that naïve? Of course they are not. In the Total consortium is of course the American oil company, Marathon Oil. Marathon Oil is the only American oil company that was given permission from OFAC of Treasury which seeks guidance from the State Department to get permission to be involved in the Sudan despite sanctions. In fact, Marathon wanted to sell its Sudan operation, but it was the US State Department that told them not to sell. (Wow!)

This is why the SSDF will take over control of the corrupt GOSS restructuring for democratization, installation of democratic institutions, good governance and the rule of law and runs South Sudan for the people. It is our oil and we will shut down the pumps soon and then if Khartoum does not negotiate with us and Jarch Management Group then no oil for them and no money for the corrupt SPLM. The agitators should know that eventually they would be castrated over the oil issue.

It is time for the people of the South to show their outrage and demand action. Our contracted company, Jarch Management Group, has in our contract, responsibilities to the people of South Sudan to train them, to employ them, to build infrastructure like modern High-Tech secondary schools, colleges/universities and hospitals. If they don’t then they lose the contract. In addition, the local people will get a 10% royalty not a 2% royalty negotiated by the late Dr. John Garang and up to 75% of profit oil not less than 40% as in White Nile.

The SSDF are the real liberators and we are standing up! We will seek first the political kingdom and rest will be added.

– Signed; David D. Chand, SSUDA/ SSDF Vice President/Spokesman/Director for External Affairs

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