Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

White Army declares protracted confrontation against SPLM/A


Press Release

May 22, 2006 — With the signing of the CPA in Nairobi, Kenya, a year and half a go, such an event gave our suffering people in south Sudan and in the Diaspora high expectations and hope because each individual person was very motivated with joy and hope of returning to the motherland from exile. For hundreds of thousands South Sudanese refugees stranded in the overcrowded and filthy refugee camps in East Africa, it was a glimmer of hope and a beacon of light in the tunnel. Everybody was yearning to start a new life and new hope for the future. Although the SPLM-Khartoum Peace Agreement was similar to the Khartoum Peace Agreement of 1997, many southerners whether members of the SPLM/A assumed that South-South reconciliation, unity of purpose and of equals was eminent at the horizon. Nevertheless, the leadership of the ex-SPLMA because of its hidden agenda of superimposing the Dinka power elite hegemonic tendencies and ethnocentric or tribal ethos let down the inspirations, jubilations and expectations as well as chartering the course of the future. Succinctly, there was no resolved to open a new page for dialogue and inter-ethnic discourse for power and resources sharing. As a result, overwhelmingly high expectations and jubilations chattered by the illegal actions or no actions the inexperienced, naiveté, intellectually dysfunctional and highly corrupt power elite and the co-opted political silhouettes, sycophants, cohorts and stooges in Juba. Nevertheless, that has turned 360 degrees to be a mere expectations, misconception and misperception. Therefore, our people in the South needed to know, now, that they are too naïve and as such needed to wake up to be enlightened. They should know that “anything glitters is not gold.”

Supposedly, the intention was to liberate and not to neo-colonize others against their free will and consent, the paradigm should have started with the programs of “Return, Recovery, and Reintegration” (RRR) and follows by immediate provisions of basic necessities for good living standard through reconstruction of roads and telecommunications networks, schools, healthcare system and hospitals rehabilitation. There should be also programs for improving clean drinking waters, sanitation and shelters. If these necessities implemented throughout the South, they could have built trust, common moral ground and confidence building measures.

In our opinion, which is surely, shared with many across the party and ideological lines or spectra, those projects should have reduced the “gun totting youth” or the gun culture that many of our people have been forced to adopt because of warfare. Most of the potential labor to undertake doing the above-mentioned schemes should have come from the youth that are now indulged the gun culture. Simply, by engaging the young people, hitherto with new challenges, the dream for a good life and hope, the regulations of banning the right to bear arms could become openly illegal. Any unauthorized persons carrying weapons would have been illegal and broke the law. Parliament or legislation should have passed requiring registration of all guns through the local Chieftaincies, the Court Clerks and peaceful “Mandatory Voluntary Disarmament” would have been possible.

Our people have learned many lessons from other situations including Ethiopia in the aftermath of the Dirge in 1991 when the current regime collected all weapons in Ethiopia except ethnic army. What is happening in Ethiopia nowadays? For Ethiopia, the situation is different people because are now fighting for regime change in Ethiopia when that is not the case in Sudan. The state of war still exists in Sudan and south Sudan in particular. A similar situation happened in Zimbabwe. Is Zimbabwe any better now? The current situation in the south will not augment trust and confidence building measures. It could have minimized any unnecessary lost of lives since we have lost many than what the liberation should have cost for the same reason of certain people having a hidden (open secret) agenda. Moreover, the people were and are still carrying guns for self -protection in the first place, and then came the misuses of the guns or the lack of law and order. But it can not be counted on the civilians a lone it should on everybody including the so-called SPLA, a tribal oriented militia that lack respect for human life, and the SPLA since it conception has a history known of being a systematic violator of human rights abuses. This specific raision d’etre led to the split on 28 August 1991.


What are the strategic goals of such unnecessary ongoing genocidal war crimes against innocent civilians in Lou Nuer; Central Upper Nile, by the predominated Dinka SPLM/A militia? Is it really the liberation of south Sudan? For other nationalities who may capriciously assumed that what is happening in Central Upper is a Nuer thing that no one understands or a Dinka-Nuer rivalries for power and control, they got to be kidding themselves. The current situation is a protracted genocide similar to Eastern and Central Upper Nile from 1984-1987, Eastern and Western Equatoria and Bhar-el-Ghazel, where the so-called Minister of Police and Security Mr. Daniel Awet Akot murdered more than 7,000 of his own troops because they were non-Dinka in his command. This episode repeated again in Central Upper Nile from 1991-1994. It is similar to Rwanda Genocide in 1994, East Timor in 1999. The civilians in Central Upper Nile are determined to resist the so-called SPLM/A renegades and hooligans under the command of Peter Bol Koang and George Ator.

There is no doubt that the politico-military game and terrorism now exercised by the renegades SPLM/A commanders against the civilians in Central New is not new. It surely reflects the attitudes of the African neo-colonialists dictatorships and culture of violence, intimidation, mass killings of the innocent citizens of their own countries retrospect to post-colonial era. It contradicts the culture of peace and dialogue. It is established fact that African neo-colonialists are much more dangerous compared to the former colonial administrators who used to receive orders and directives with full political mandate on governance from mother countries’ legislative, judicial and executive branches of the mother countries’ governments. In other words, they had limited authority in the colonies because orders and directives first obtained from the mother country on the “dos” and “don’ts” over the subjects in the colonies. Nevertheless, the African neo-colonialists are much more brutal because they have unlimited powers and are unaccountable to anyone compared to the ex-colonial European masters’ in Africa. The Dinka power elite have been resisting transformation of the army from ?partisan’ militia to national army of south Sudan. Because of the Dinka power elite refusal to transform from its current position, the SPLA does not have any mandate to call itself a national army since it has loyalty to a single political party. The Dinka power elite is now masquerading to disarm all non-SPLM/A forces starting with the Nuer people which is the backbone of anti-Dinka domination in the south. Specifically, the current genocidal war in the Luo Nuer is not particular about the Lou Nuer, per se, but it is an overall strategy to dismantle the heart of the Nuer power because the grass roots modern warfare strength has shifted to the Lou Nuer from Eastern Jikany (Gajak) in the early 1990s. How can the Dinka power elite be successful in this dangerous venture? What are the eventual consequences for the Dinka power elite? It seems that they wanted power and absolute power corrupt more. They have no allies throughout the South. Can they survive this hardball politico-military panorama with the fighting Nuers now joined forces with the Murles, the Anyuaks and others in the South? We shall wait and see the outcome this dangerous mission perpetrated the predominated Dinka power elite de facto tribal government in Juba. In short, the Dinka power elite have nuts to crack in the next few months and years.

The strategic goal of the Dinka power elite is to disarm every non-Dinka in the South, starting with the Nuer nation that is the backbone of anti-Dinka power elite forces, where the Luo Nuer centered the Nuer grass roots strength recently in the terms of modern warfare capabilities and demographic numbers. The second plan will be to attack Eastern Upper Nile (Jikany Nuer) and then follow by rest of the Nuer areas. The strategy will result into dumping the stooges and the hopeless Nuers within the SPLA/SPLM starting with the corrupt, the womanizers then the drunkards and opportunitists. When the Nuer project of extermination or “final solution” achieved, the preys would be the Murle people, the Taposa, the Digdinga, the Lutoka, the Fertit and the Mundari. Nevertheless, how long is it going to take the Dinka elite to complete this long and tedious mission before they lost track? Why would these evil Dinka power elite think that it is going to be easy and achievable goal? Therefore, they are mistaken; and they have made a terrible miscalculation. Their lack or the absence therefore of strategic thinking and believing that everyone thinks like them will push them to hell. That is terrible miscalculations that the Dinka power elite will soon regret their actions or no actions.

Our people will never vow down to the yoke of slavery. It well established that the Dinka tribesmen have adorned themselves as “warriors” and “liberators” in the South. This adoration will remain would be seen within the next few months. If they sought that the UN would protect the Dinka power elite renegades, so, be it. Would the UN be ready to undertake another Katanga in the Congo in the 1960s, East Timor, Angola or Somalia in south Sudan? The people have the will, guts and gusto to confront the SPM/A and their friends. It would beset interest of the trust on UN policies worldwide. It would be in the best interests of the UN missions in south Sudan and the Government of Sudan to remain neutral in southern affairs. Let us mess it up and we will be the ones to fix it eventually. Nevertheless, the Dinka power elite who have misled by their dump leaders to would pay the dearest price of their action have misled many Dinka people. They have learnt this from our African examples in Zimbabwe (Shona V. Mataballes), Ethiopia where the Tigray has done that (Oromos, Ahmara and others) and Uganda’s dictatorial regime is now doing the same to Acholis in northern Uganda.

The White Army (CDF) now have compact with the Murle in southeastern Upper Nile. They have issued a stern warning to the Dinka power elite leadership that they are more than ready to resist the SPLA genocidal war in Central Upper Nile, the Murle country and the Anyuak traditional Kingdom and throughout south Sudan. Otherwise internationally known as the Civil Defense Forces protection forces (CDF) and the SSDF have issued this stern warning to Mr. Slava Kiir and Dr. Riek Machar that the mess they have started will be a long bitter and protracted war. The SPLM/A renegades commanders Peter Bol Kong and George Ator Deng should be ready to shoulder responsibility and accountability for the genocidal war, ethnic cleansing and massacres against the civilian population in central Upper Nile and in the Toich cattle Kraals in past April 2006. The International community should now know that a state of war exists between the forces seeking to superimpose SPLM/domination in the South and the forces for democracy, governance and the rule of law, human rights protection, and transparency and accountability.

We declare to the world that the forces for democracy would not bow down to the encroaching Dinka domination in the South. We have bigger strategic plans against the SPLM/A. They have the show and we will response accordingly. We know the suppliers of weapons and ammunitions. (Sponsors are Norwegian people’s Aid (NPA) via a third known country as the end-user). We are determined more than ever aggressively suppress any encroachment of any neo-Dinka domination in south Sudan.

The white Army and others have bowed to avenge the genocide of more than 800 civilians killed recently in the Toich Kraals and their corps hidden until human rights groups discovered them. There will be peace in the South no more until we recover our children recently kidnapped and our cattle recently rustled. We will not accept disarmament by the de facto SPLM/A government in Juba. These are similar to practices by Neo-Colonialists in the region. These provoked attacks will have serious consequences for the SPLM/A and the south as a whole. For those who have joined the SPLM/A genocidal war, there will be no forgiveness because you have already broken the traditional and international laws of warfare. The current situation provoked by the SPLM/A is similar to Cambodia under the Khmer Rouge rule, East Timor under Indonesian rule and Ethiopia under Mengisto Hailey Miriam rule (Dirge) rule. Most importantly, it is the classical repeat of the SPLM/A’s genocidal war in the Central Upper Nile in the 1983-1987. We have not forgotten such events. We have bowed “never again” in the Nuer nation.


The Geneva Conventions, international laws governing the conduct of warfare and the Nuer people pose no threat. The SPLM/A could have attacked the hard target; that is against the law that governing the warfare and societal norms.” The first generation of rights referred to in international law as “civil and political rights” contained therein Articles 2 through 21 of the UN General Assembly resolution on Universal Declaration of Human Rights approved on 10 December 1948 as the cardinal principle of the UN Charter” We will treat humanely all wounded and captured persons. This is a promised that we will be mindful of to keep. We will not killed any wounded, captured persons compared to the SPLM/A. We are civilized but we have the right to protect our rights and those of our community.

Mr. Slava Kiir and Dr. Riek Machar will be held accountable for the mess and the bloodshed that is about to come to the South. They have miscalculated the policy of disarmament. The have looted our cattle, they have rapped our women; they have kidnapped our children to transferred them to the Dinka Bor. This is a deliberate violation of international law and a clear-cut cultural genocide. We urge and appeal to the SPLM/A leadership to return without any quid pro quo kidnapped children reunited with their biological parents. Failure to comply with this request could have serious consequences. Article Two of the Convention defines genocide as “ any of the following acts committed with the intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnic, or religious group, as such:

Killing members of the groups
Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group
Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about the physical destruction in whole or in part
Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group
Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.

Based on the current situation in Central Upper Nile and elsewhere in South Sudan, the SPLM/A, has violated all international norms respected by all civilized societies, the humanitarian law and laws governing the conduct of warfare. For instance, the Dinka Bor murdered 76 wounded civilians evacuated to Bor town and the UN did nothing. This lack of action indicates that the UM Mission is also partial and part of the conspiracy against the Lou Nuer in Central Upper Nile. The UN Mission in Sudan should investigate the death and the whereabouts of the wounded civilians. Failure to do so could have serious consequences.

The White Army/SSDF accuses the United Nations on failure to report to the UN Security Council in South Sudan to the UN Security Council.

We have the capacity to move our children and women across into the Western Ethiopia, Gambela Region. Where we will come back and make the South no man’ s land where will Mr. Salva Kiir put the Dinka Bor, Gogorial Yirol and Rumbek? We have already lost a significant number of our children, women and elderly people. The invading SPLA killers commanded by Peter Bol Kong who bought as a stooge by Nyadeng Garang using our Nuer Oil reveneue to kill Nuer have rustled our cattle. The because the power elite has nothing except our oil money to buy our half creatures using our oil money to destroy us Mr. Salva need to find a place for Dinka children before it is too late;

The hidden SPLM/A agenda is to exterminate first the Nuer nationality in the south because it is the strongest and fierce to fight. Once the Nuer final solution is achieved, others that would follow are the Murle, the Toposa, the Dingdinga, the Anyuak, the Latoka, the Mundari then the Fertit including any groups suspected of exhibiting anti-SPLM/A domination in south Sudan. It would be impossible for the SPLM/A agenda to succeed against the Nuer. Every Nuer nationality whether you are diehards SPLM/A supporters or not, be conscious of the Yei River Rally in 2003. We urge you to review consciously, macroscopically, and microscopically, scientifically and methodologically the words of Mr. Kiir, Wani Iggar and Mr. Daniel Awet Akot. Do not ignore them by saying that “thiele ma lele” or “kach lora”. We say heretofore and now that they do mean something greater than what had already said. It could be the opposite. As to programs against other nationalities, we urge and appeal to the leaders of the above communities to fight and expel the SPLM/A from their territories. The Nuer nation has historically liberated themselves from any foreign invasion and domination retrospect to the British colonial administration, the Jellabas and theTurco-Egyptains in the north and the SPLM since its inception in 1983.

We also appeal to all patriots in the SPLM/A to disobey orders to kill members of your own kind for the sake of the most corrupt Dinka power elite and their surrogates in Juba. Wake and vision what is coming. It could be you tomorrow! Do you think that you will be spare when your kin and kith after done with them? The highly corrupt Dinka elite would even kill the moderate and fair-minded Dinka people similar to the Hutus who killed moderate and fair-minded Hutus together with their fellow Tutsis. We pray and hope that the Dinka power elite who have lust for power and control would not go that far. It would be a shame for a southerner to kill a fellow southerner for the sake of power and control. We did not take up arms to kill each other but to liberate ourselves from the forces imperialism and exploitation. We can sit down on the table of goodwill to resolve our problem intelligently. We have abilities and brains to achieve such goals.

The Nuer nation warns that it should ostracize all the bad fruits or useless elements such Dr.Riek Machar, John Luk Joak and the notorious Cdr. Bol Kong and the likes within the Nuer community. They are “bad fruits” that could not produce good fruits for the advancement of the nation in this century. The so-called highly corrupt and opportunists “Nuer leaders” do not, we repeat, do not represent the Nuer nation but their self-conceded personal interests. No good Nuer leaders would co-opt to kill his own kind because of positions and money that is actually Nuer black gold revenues temporarily handed over to the Dinka power elite by external forces. Therefore, any Nuer who envisages killing a fellow Nuer for the sake of positions and money has committed the most unforgivable crime under the Nuer customary law and civil procedure and sin in the sight of God Creator of all things, the Nuer social norms and ethics and the Nuer nationalism and egalitarianism. The Nuers by nature are democrats, honest, uncorrupt, and strong nationalists. We should not henceforth blimish our culture, community and our way of life. The Nuer culture studied throughout the world’s great universities. This is the sources of hate crimes against the Nuer people by the Dinka power elite in particular. Hence, we are not bad people despite the negative allegations alleged against the Nuer people as such by the Dinka power elite throughout the world in the last 22 years of war. They have failed because the world proved them wrong. Now, they wanted to exterminate us to robe our oil. The Nuer people in the SPLM should be conscious of the future. They deserved the right to be in the SPLM/A. It belongs to them because they have created it and labored with their blood and sweat for it to survive.

Nevertheless, they have no moral right to destroy their own community. Where will they go after the honeymoon is over with the SPLM/A? The Nuer community is united, enlightened, has great leaders who embraced democracy and the rule of law, good governance, human rights protection, transparency and accountability. The Nuer in the SPLM/A should follow the examples of other nationalities with them in the same outfit. They do not go out of the way to destroy their communities. Why should you?

We are sure anti-Nuer elements would attack this encouragement as “tribalism.” They would have the right to call it whatever it is. As far as we are concerned, it is not “tribalism”, but rather it is an appeal to the Nuer in the SPLM/A to become conscious of who they are and what the word “Nuer community” (Wiec Naadth) means to them sociologically, culturally and politically. We wanted them to rediscover themselves instead of suffering from identity crisis and the fear of the term “tribalism” from some of the tribalist elements of our time. Our brief message to anyone who attacks this appeal as “tribalism”, we say to them in advance, “go to hell and do not you look back pal!” It recognized throughout Sudan that the Nuer power elite are not “tribalists” compared to the Dinka power elite counterparts who have proven tribalism or “Monjeienism” and their thirst for power and control of others beyond its realm. History, will absolve modern Nuer nation because it has welcomed with open arms many non-Nuers or Immigrants compared to the Dinka society. It is the only nation that still expands beyond it borders. Once, the new arrivals or immigrants have taken an oath to be Nuers, they are fully accepted and integrated without any distinctions between them and other Nuers and equal members of the community with rights and obligations. They all become a “band of brothers/sisters” obligated by a common desire to live together harmoniously, to serve and to protect the Nuer nation from its enemies domestic or foreign.

Therefore, in short, the Nuer nation is a nation of Immigrants compared to the USA, the UK, France, Belgium and the Republic of South Africa. This is the source of Nuer power and strength and we will keep it that way. In fact, in this century, the Nuer nation will welcome immigrants from outside Africa in the same pattern that they welcomed the Nuer refugees into their communities with open arms and did everything they could to help them resettled in Europe, North America (USA &Canada) and the world under or Australia. In other words, the Nuer Community will aspire to go multicultural or diversity. However, there are certain conditions beforehand, namely, learn to speak the Nuer as a second Language in the same way we learn Arabic, Dinka, English, French or German. According to the Nuer laws, without the knowledge of the Nuer Language, they remain as visitors (jaal) and foreigners (juor) in their mist accorded every protection similar to the Nuer people.

Unless the SPLM/A stops it’s so-called forced “Mandatory Disarmament”, its protracted genocidal war and its hegemonic tendencies, the South could turn red within the next few days or months. The international community should know that at present, the SPLM/A and the Civilian Defense Forces (CPFs) are at a collision course or loggerhead. We have the capacity to have a show down with the SPLM/A. We will reverse the situation.

The White Army calls on all other groups to wake up. We will win this protracted aggression by the SPLM/A renegades and the dogs of war. The Nuer nation will remain free from any foreign invaders. As for the future of the so-called CPA, it remains in great political limbo.

Signed: Professor David de Chand,

SSUDA/SSDF, Vice President/Spokesman/Director for External Affairs

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