Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Sudan Tribune

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Lutheran church accuses South Sudan government of supporting LRA

May 25, 2006 (JUBA) — In a move of incomprehension and dismay towards the meeting of Southern Sudan government and the Ugandan rebel LRA religious authorities in the Lutheran church charged the Southern Sudan government of supporting Ugandan rebels.

Joseph_Kony_Riek_Machar.jpgThe Bishop of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Sudan has accused the GoSS of providing financial support and relief aid to the Lord’s Resistance Army while thousands of people in southern Sudan are displaced and left without food due to its activities, the Juba Post said.

Bishop Andrew Mbogo Elia said the Lord’s Resistance Army is even taking over some villages in Western Equatoria and settling thus displacing the original residents.

The Bishop considers the present state of affairs in Western Equatoria as worse than pre-CPA days.

The Commissioner for Nabanga County in Western Equatoria adds that the Lord’s Resistance Army is settling and cultivating the area and that an airstrip has been established in the area to deliver food to them.

The Vice-President of Southern Sudan government Riek Marcahr has given rebel Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA) leader Joseph Kony at least 20,000 dollars.

In a video-taped meeting on 2 May, South Sudan’s Vice-President Riek Machar handed Kony the package that also included several tons of food rations which is understood to be facilitation towards “a new lease of life” for a much weakened rebel group.

(ST/Juba Post)

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