Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

SLM- Minawi arrives in Khartoum next week – official

June 3, 2006 (TRIPOLI) — The State Minister for Foreign Affairs, Al-Samani Al-Wasila, said that the leader of Sudan Liberation Movement (SLM), Menni Minawi, would arrive next week in Khartoum, the official SNA reported Saturday.

Meni_Minawi_Arkowri.jpgIn a press conference in Tripoli, the minister said that the arrival of Meni Arkoy will mark his participation in the national unity government. He pointed out that the arrival of Minni Minawi will be followed by decisions for implementation of Darfur peace agreement on the ground.

In the same time, the SPM Minawi faction demanded in a press release issued Saturday full disarmament of the Jajaweed militias in accordance with the Darfur Peace agreement. The spokesperson of the SLM-Minnawi Esam Eddine al-Haj said his movement rejects the statement made by the The Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF) chief-of-staff, Gen Ismat Abdelrahman on the issue of disarmament.

The Sudanese general said that the disarmament of Janjaweed militias will take place in two stages, the first one is voluntary and in which the militia men will be provided with financial compensations when they hand over their arms, while the second stage of the disarmament will be compulsory for these militias. He also, gave a restrictive definition to the definition of Janjaweed saying in means only the “outlaws”.

Al-Wasila said that serious steps were adopted by all parties, the international community, the African Union and the Arab League to set up mechanisms to implement Darfur peace agreement, with utilization of the experiment of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA).

On Wednesday 29 May, when the chairman of Sudan Liberation Movement (SLM), Minni Minawi, arrived in the capital of North Darfur, Al-Fasher. He refused the festivities and celebration of his arrival arguing he came to discuss the signed deal with his local commanders who are hostile to the deal first.

The Sudanese minister said that Sudan has thanked the Libya Leader, Muammar Al-Qaddafi, and his special envoy for Darfur, Al-Teraiki, for their great role for the solution of Darfur crisis, adding that Sudan also requested the Libya Leader to continue his efforts concerning the implementation of the peace agreement on the ground.

He said that Sudan government looks forward for cooperation with the United Nations for the rehabilitation and normalization of life in Darfur through a joint work plan that is to set up by them.


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