Thursday, December 19, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

SPLA accused of killing and looting of the Jur civilians

Genocidal Destruction Victims

Press Release

June 6, 2006 — The ongoing mute act of terror in Mvolo County is still going on. Now the regular SPLA army from the Dinka Agar and Gock are now openly involved in the killing and looting of the Jur civilians. The army are the worst criminals who use the Government machinery to terrorize, kill and loot properties. The latest series of bloody attacks are as under:

May 23, 2006: A group of Armiaat backed by regular army from Rumbek attacked Bogori while the villagers were at the funeral of a village leader who died of natural cause. They killed 5 people and injured 4 more others. Thereafter they looted and burnt all the villages (Bogori, Kperikudu, Ngori and Gira).

May 24, 2006: The same Agar/Gock allied militias attacked Nokotamanga and the surrounding Jur villages, looted properties but were repulsed by the villagers before they burnt down the villages. Two of the Armiaats were shot dead.

May 29, 2006: A group of about 300 Armiaat, the Dinka Agar/Gock allied militias, backed by regular SPLA army from the same Dinka tribes, stationed at Billing, attacked the Jur villages from Kulu to Lali, killed 16 Jur People (among them 7 women) looted and destroyed properties and burnt down the villages. The fight lasted for over 8 hours.

May 30, 2006: At 8:00 PM 7 trucks coming from Rumbek side full of Dinka soldiers stopped at Domeri and Tamania Ishriin, fired gunshots indiscriminately at the villagers. As usual, the people took to the bush and the soldiers looted a number of bicycles (one bicycle belong to Save the Children USA), mattresses, beddings and some unspecified amounts of money.

The soldiers raped two women in Domeri and abducted two young boys whom they tortured and later released between Yeri and Mundri. There is systematic looting and harassment of civilians between Mvolo and Yeri whenever a convoy of Dinka soldiers is passing on the road.

In total the Jur have lost more than 30 people killed by the Armiaats backed by the regular SPLA army from the Dinka tribes who have invaded the Jur homeland. Many more other Jur people were wounded and over 80 Jur villages burnt to the ground.

There are currently over 106,000 internally displaced people living under harsh conditions with no food, shelter, blankets, mosquito nets, cooking utensils etc.

The water and sanitation situation in the displaced camps are debilitating, prone to outbreak of diseases. An outbreak of watery type of diarrhea has killed a number of children in Yeri in the last two weeks.

The Government and UNMIS are keeping quite despite many reports that have been sent to them. A parliamentary Committee consisting of Jur members of Parliament, in Khartoum met the President of South Sudan in person and reported everything to him, but up to now he has not yet responded to the requests.

The Government, which is heavily dominated by Dinkas, doesn’t care for the interests of other communities in the country. The involvement of the regular army from the Dinka Agar tribes into what should be a civilian tribal conflict is a clear indication of link to National terror groups who might have struck a deal with the Agar leaders.

On May 24, 2006 it was reported that an unidentified plane believed to have flown inn from the north, landed at Akot Airstrip loaded with guns and ammunitions. The security persons present at the airstrip at the time raised the matter to top authorities, but nothing has been done to investigate the matter and the whereabouts of the guns and ammunitions.

We request you to continue praying for us in this difficult situation. We further appeal to well wishers to kindly come to the aid of our desperately displaced people.

Sapana Abuyi

Reporting for Mvolo County

Genocidal Destruction Victims

E-mail: [email protected]

Tel: 256 772 343 076.

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