Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

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African Union Statement on the Situation in Mogadishu


Press Satement

Statement of the Chairperson of the AU Commission, on the Situation in Mogadishu

June 9, 2006 (ADDIS ABABA) — The Commission of the African Union followed with great concern the fighting that took place (over several weeks) in and around Mogadishu. The fighting caused grave damages and resulted in the wanton killing of innocent civilians, among them children, women and the aged. The fighting was ignited by self-seeking spoilers whose actions were inimical to the larger and best interests of the people of Somalia.

The Commission welcomes the cessation of hostilities that now prevails. It is a unique situation in the recent history of Somalia. This situation creates a climate that is conducive to the promotion of stability and to contributing to the consolidation of peace and good governance in the country. It is our earnest hope that all concerned will take full advantage of this unique situation in the interest of the people of Somalia as a whole.

Clearly the situation around Mogadishu has attracted a great deal of attention and speculation abroad. The Transitional Federal Government has now issued a clear statement calling for inter-Somali dialogue with a view to eliminating the causes of instability in the country and promoting the wider interests of the people of Somalia as a whole. Similar sentiments have been expressed from Mogadishu. We welcome these developments and support this (approach).

In these circumstances, the Commission of the African Union appeals to all parties within Somalia to use the current climate to once and for all put in place the essentials of good governance in the service of the people of Somalia. The Commission at the same time appeals to all countries and Institutions not to undertake any measures that would in any way undermine this welcome evolution in that long-suffering country. Indeed, we appeal to all countries and institutions to extend all the necessary assistance to the Transitional Federal Institutions, the civil societies and related parties in Somalia with a view to enabling them in the urgent exercise of capacity building and for the reconstruction of their country.

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