Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

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African Union launches ceasefire monitoring body in Darfur

June 14, 2006 (AL-FASHER) — The African Union inaugurated the ceasefire implementation and monitoring body the Darfur Ceasefire Commission (CFC) on Tuesday, 13 June 2006, at the Force Headquarters of the African Union Mission in Sudan (AMIS) here, as set out in the Darfur Peace Agreement (DPA).

AU_soldiers_parade.jpgThe CFC is the organ responsible for the implementation and monitoring of the ceasefire provisions of the DPA signed on May, and other previous agreements between the Sudanese parties.

The ceremony was chaired by Ambassador Baba Gana Kingibe, Special Representative of the AU Commission Chairperson and Chairman of the Joint Commission. It was witnessed by Amb Said Djinnit, the AU Commissioner for Peace and Security and Mr. Jean-Marie Guehenno, UN Under-Secretary-General for Peacekeeping Operations who are leading the AU/UN joint Technical Assessment Mission.

The inaugural session was attended by representatives of the Government of Sudan and the Mini Minawi’s Sudan Liberation Movement/Army (SLM/A), as signatories of the DPA. They pledged to cooperate fully with the CFC and all other efforts aimed at ending the conflict in Darfur. It was also attended by representatives from the SLM/A of Abdelwahid al Nur and the Justice and Equality Movement (JEM), who have not signed the DPA, but are bound by the N’djamena Ceasefire Agreement, the Addis Ababa Agreement , and the two Abuja Protocols of 2005, all relating to ceasefire arrangements. Both parties pledged their support for all efforts at securing a lasting peace in Darfur.

Commissioner Djinnit stressed that, in the immediate term, efforts must be made to strengthen AMIS in order to enable it to carry out its new responsibilities as stipulated in the DPA and the other agreements. Commissioner Djinnit also welcomed the fact that all parties were represented at the event and called upon them to quickly take up their tasks.

The AMIS Force Commander and new Chairperson of the CFC, General CRU Ihekire, underlined the pivotal role to be played by the Commission in resolving issues relating to ceasefire violations between the parties. He further stated “that the CFC will leave no stone unturned in facilitating the resolution of disputes by dialogue.”

Guehenno, urged all parties to build upon the momentum provided by this important event. He expressed the determination of the international community, especially the United Nations, to bolster support for the valuable efforts of the African Union to bring long-lasting peace and stability to Darfur.

Ambassador Kingibe announced that efforts will be made to inaugurate the Joint Commission soon, if possible, before the holding of the African Union Summit in Banjul, scheduled for 1-2 July 2006.


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