Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Sudan’s WES Governor Zamoi: We need a peaceful resolution

By the Rev. Dr. Eduard Hiboro Kusuala*

June 16, 2006 — I have just stumbled on the news of suspension (I do not know if this is the right terminology used in the communicate from the president) of the Governor of WES, Col. Zamoi Patrick as many of you mighty have. It is irritating to hear of such things when the minds of every South Sudanese is preoccupied with the pressing issues of reconstruction, construction, reconciliation, reintegration, rehabilitation and so on of the long devastated South Sudan.

Since the news is fresh and premature, though the truth holds that, Col. Zamoi is suspended, and then we must take some precaution steps. It usually very hurting when such things happen to someone so much valued, it can backfire, if the reaction is dominated by emotions. For such I want to call you all as peace loving people to:

1) Try to understand the term of suspension, which words used, which are the possible legal procedures contained, cautions taken, the main reason for (here consider the language used and motive expressed). And who are made of the committee of investigations?

2) Make thoroughly solicitation of datas regarding the allegations availed against the governor, the state ministers, the people of the state, who tabled the allegations before the president, who spearheads it, which sources or datas he uses as weapons of defamations, etc? Are the allegations against the state true or exaggerated? The ministers must be willing to avail of the would be needed evidences.

3) If the allegation is about the tribal conflict which happened in Western Equatoria, as is said, then we have a case at hand to persecute. (Such case is just one of the hundreds which had happened during the 21 years of civil war). Why did it have to happen, who began, who suffered most, who lost much, which steps the authority took before and after, was there retributions, the long list of perpetrators of violence, have they ever been brought to justice. (Here, we need some concrete data’s or documentation from eye witnesses during reign of conflicts on WES), and again who is calling for justice?

4) In the meantime, intellectuals and well informed should follow well the case, as Oliver mentioned earlier, do not treat this matter as WES issue, it is Southern Sudanese home affairs, particularly WES. The head of the state has EVERY right to call his collaborators to understanding. So here we first have to identify the wrong involved here. It may be personal shortcomings of our governor, which may call only for courtesy and solidarity from his subjects rather than state search for truth. Let us take not climb a band wagon, but stand for truth and peace. Remember we are at a period of building, so we must have wisdom and patience in order to lay firm foundations.

5) The intellectuals of all walks of life from Western Equatoria will have then to pick up the issue with lots of prudence to seek peaceful resolution, after assembling concrete documented evidences. There are many ways this will be done, collectively, small groups as well as individuals. This may involve meeting with government officials concerned, discussion with elders of the state to find common denominator for better approach. Prepare how to bring to the understanding of the government, in this level the head of State of South Sudan. Some of us will try to reach the office of the president for more clarity on this matter privately.

5) The people should not be led to violence so as to cause unnecessary blood shed, but should only ask for genuine explanation from the government which, with no doubt the government is competent to offer. Col Zamoi was people’s choice, if he is not found favorable then the people must be told why so, then (the people of western Equatoria) have right to make choice, rather than imposition. ]

My last appeal to you all is, one thing, which is very peculiar to the people of Western Equatoria, is “giving thought” to things or circumstance before taking action. It is our treasure and legacy; let us not give it temptation at this event, which is surely disturbing. This is time to act together for a peaceful cause, majority of are Christians, the value of Christian faith to which we are invited as model for living, include: love, tolerance, unity, fraternity and understanding, these are problem resolves. When good understanding is lacking one must have recourse only to Gospel compassion.

God bless you all,

* Rev. Dr. Eduard Hiiboro Kusuala is based in Rome, Italy. He can be reached at [email protected]

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