Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

A Dinka Bor testimony in favour of WES Governor

By Deng Job Marial*

June 20, 2006 — The arrest of the governor of Western Equatoria State (WES) is shocking and unfair. I would term the arrest as barbaric and a clear violation of Comprehensive Peace Agreement. First the Government of Southern Sudan (GOSS) told BBC that it was corruption but now the so called vice-president Riek Machar is calling it tribal. On what facts is the government of southern Sudan basing its facts? The GOSS chose their own mouth piece to investigate the clashes in WES and we will not accept the report.

I am a Dinka and I come from Bor itself. I was in Yambio and have leaved their for the past twelve years. There have never been problems like this before. I witnessed the clashes. To be truthful and honest, I must say that if it was not because of Col, Patrick Zamoi himself who threatened the Azande and Moru communities I and other Dinkas could not be alive. He brought calm to the area by all means and now he is said to be behind the clashes, how? Mr President you have to be careful and lead the people well. According to me Patrick is just a leader who would want to bring development to his state. He is loved by his people and he should be left to do his work.

Talk of clashes. What has happened in Nuer areas, his Poulino Matip arrested? Is Riek himself arrested for the atrocities he committed against the Dinka and Nuer in upper Nile?

How do you arrest him and his wife. On what ground and why. We are therefore calling for the immediate release of the governor of Western Equatoria and reinstated back to his position. All that is done is just a mere propaganda and I will call the people of Western Equatoria to reject it and demand for International intervention to the matter.

* Deng Job Marial, is came to WES from Bor, he is currently studying in Kenya after leaving Yambio last year, He can be reached at [email protected]

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