Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

SPLM must do the right thing

By Isaiah Abraham*

July 17, 2006 — Whether you are an SPLM supporter or not, the fact of the matter is that we have the duty and obligation to watch closely what our ruling political party is doing or not doing-failure and successes; that we should give credit where it is due and to admonish or criticize when it is necessary. That is the basic core value of relationship between the governed and the government. In our case the party has attempted to bring about positive change in our country, something any political party before it didn’t do or tried to do. This party deserves our honest appreciation and applaus. The party has clearly demonstrated their willingness to move this country forward on new basis where rights of our marginalized people of the Sudan are guaranteed and they feel for the first time stake holders in the running of their political and socio-economical affairs. That is an important achievement.

Therefore any levelled headed Sudanese in general and Southern Sudanese in particular must as of necessity protect the image of this organization (SPLM). There are indications that the SPLM intent to governed wisely and democractically. There are further signs that the SPLM would deliver in its promises to make our people choose their own destiny come year 2011. Why? Because the party enjoys strong middle and grass roots support. It has formidable military presence over all Southern Sudan with strong conviction of liberation. They have majority members in the cabinet at the national, regional and state levels. Anything that can bring out good governance is embodied in the Interim Constitution of Southern Sudan and that of the National. If the Interim National Constitution is anything to go by, the country would changed from monolithic state under few individuals or clans to pluralistic state for all of us for the first time. There is going to be general election where possible non Arab can descend into top job in the land if elections are take place. That is as far as Sudan as a whole is concerned in its relations to what SPLM has done.

The South ofcourse has it’s own unfulfilled promised they made in 1947 that could be tested come 2011! No doubt that the country is concurrently run by two systems of governments opposite to each other.

All of the above came about therefore because of an effort by SPLM Leadership Council and the delegation to the talks in Kenya that produced the Comprehensive Peace Agreement known as the CPA under great hero Dr. John Garang de Mabior. Hence the party is our production and custodian of our national interests. We must not allow it to die prematurely before it completes the work it has started in Kenya. We should all play our part individually first and then collectively to make sure that our land is build on sound principles of freedom, justice and equality.

There are areas however this party need to put more energy if they intent to stay on top and win our unreserved support. This is mainly in the area of policies and structure. Policies here mean that the Party should have been articulate enough to stand behind its concept or policy statements. There is need for the GOSS/SPLM to speak one voice throughout and at all times, whether at the Government of National Unity (GNU) level, Government of Southern Sudan (GoSS) or States. This is very important because different messages translate mixed messages to our people. It has to be one but on different tone by different people. This if done will stop our people from guessing and gossip and by large sharpens the desire to know and question the capabilities and competency of our Chief Executive. For example when the sensitive issues of Abyei, oil, border demarcation were raised the leaders at different levels spoke different messages, which is not healthy at all. There are questions hunging that could have been cleared by just one voice. Until today nobody knows what action really took place to address such mishaps in the Government in Juba. The issues in questions include the disappearance of money in Juba; corruption at higher levels (stashed away of millions of dollars), Deng Macham An’gui saga, appointments to key positions abroad, the acriminous exit of Mr. Abdal Aziz Adam El Hilu and Mr. Nhial Deng Nhial, the uncheck utterrances and unannounced defection of Foreign Affairs Minister Dr. Lam Akol Ajawin, the awarding of contracts to questionable foreign agencies, the regrouping or resurfacing of former South Sudan Defense Forces (SSDF)- Malakal training near the airport for example, the Fangak Commissionership fiasco, etc. These issues require leadership policies that could be easily adopted by the populace and subsequently reduce hearsays and misinterpretation.

The structure on the other hand stands for who is holding what at the SPLM Political Bureau echelon. How is this body SPLM structured, what are there for membership enlistment? What party tenents/policies, slogans and principles. The NCP has two or three key principles. What regulations and guidelines that governs the appointment of the Chairman, his deputy and other key officers? How does relationship between the SPLM and the SPLA look like? This is very important! The SPLM must be prepared for bigger things at other levels. Why is it actually crucial at this time? Because it minimizes chances for nepotism and tribalism since everyone will subject him/herself to public scrutiny at least to lead. It further entrenches SPLM democratically and creates discipline in the systems. It legitimizes authority and thereby enhances confidence. It spells out duties and roles for each section of the system and enlarges check and balances. Hon. Justine Yaach Arop wouldn’t have frustrated Hon. Nhial Deng Nhial on controversial $1 Million offer to Kenya and inauguration of President Y. K. Museveni. That simple ommission has cost us a great deal. There would have been durable chances for succession in the SPLM leadership incase the replacement is necessitated, whether through elections or by circumstances. The situation at the moment is blurred and uncertain. History will judge SPLM harshly if they don’t move quickly and address themselves to these situations and eventualities. Am concerned somehow that the other parties are taking advantage of SPLM transition from Military Organization to Political one. The other parties think their several degrees and PhDs they acquired during the war, when SPLA/M members were fighting would give them license to penerate Southern Sudanese spectrum for sole reason to capture power. Shame on them! I have heard and seen these gentlement especially the socalled Democratic Forum strategizing and policizing against the SPLM. Oh no, they are toying with people ruth. They have democratic rights like any other SPLM member by the way!

So what is the story anyway? The SPLM is a popular political organization that has political & historical cause at its disposal. The leadership of this party must not rest on its laurels and assume that everything is alright after several appointments and establishments. The road ahead of them is purely political and any other thing is just subsidiary or by product of this environment. Kwame Nkarume was right when he said “take first the political helm and everything else would just follow”. What happen if they don’t? The party will disintegerate into tiny political units for the advantage of the NCP. The blood of our great icon Dr. Garang and others would have been shed in vain.

There is no time to talk about dark albeit grim details on the killing of Dr. John Garang de Mabior. The GoSS took it easily to go by that suferficial report meant to draw attention away from what actually happened inside Uganda before the crash. Though technical Report is yet to come out some key GoSS official have already fell on the song that it was an “accident”. That wasn’t. The truth is there and will surely come however distant!. In relationship to this, there is growing tension within GoSS whether they can nationalize Garang’s death or leave it altogether. Majority see the latter as an honor to his skills and contributions to our cause while minority with other ulterior motives see it otherwise. All the same history cann’t be written but it writes and rewrites itself alone. Whether there would be that day or not Dr. Garang stands out unique as champion for war and for peace, may his soul rest in eternal peace!

Little things sum up this argument. One, the house of the SPLM has been penetrated by those who were sitting at the fence or outside the fence! When the going need their contribution, they opted to aid, support, conspire and execute together with Southern enemies in Khartoum in an attempt to neutralize the SPLA/M. That was a grave act of betrayal that is unforgetable. Two, the house needs to steer clear anything to do with petty politics of regionalism, sectionism, tribalism and whatever that divides us as Southern Sudanese. It has to develop political manifesto that would give constituents trust and hope to own up this party right from the grass root levels. Three, there are serious issues where the Chief Executive must not talk sense alone but talk tough and invite or mobilize his cards for alternatives plans that could back up his position. Talking in rallies and in military parades about inconsistence of the NCP doesn’t offer solution but breed and exposes hopelessness and incompetency of the President and his authority. Fourth, SPLM ought to call for Second Convention to democratize its structures. Parliement in Juba should look at Garang Report and hammer out those ommissions and questions surrounding the investigation and allow the technical committee to quickly wind up its work. The truth will always be the truth no matter what. That Report doesn’t give anything as was expected it is just faulty and full of divisionary trends and flawst. The socalled final Report only started where the plane got crashed and ends thereafter which is not enough to convince small brains. Several big whys remain in the area of gadges & apparatus, intention & peculiars include the kind of damage and explosion surrounding Dr. Garang’s plane. Fifth, the President’s advisors are by all accounts failed to move us out of our dark age of who connected where.

Sixth, the President should reshufle his cabinet and recall others in the Government of National Unity (GNU). The target should be the Foreign Affairs Minister (GNU), Finance & National Planning Minister (GOSS), GOSS Cabinet Affairs Minister, GNU State Minister for Presidential Affairs, GOSS Minister for Education, GOSS Minister for Health. Seventh, people of Fangak deserves our attention, hence the President through his State Governor has to appoint their Commissioner. If General Gabriel Tanginya refused to renounce his SSDF affiliation, then Johnson Kuol Ghai could be reinstated and Gen. Gabriel Tang to join Gen. Gordon Koang in Malakal. Eight, the spending of thousands of dollars in tents in Juba by GOSS is an abuse by the Government. Enough is enough, our Housing Ministry should come up with a solution! Nineth, commendation should be extended by our President to job well done by Governor of Unity State, Brig. Taban Deng Ghai on his Primary & High School Education Program. This an exact thing Hon. Michael Hussien in Juba would have done. Tenth, President is not necessary obliged to allow himself to be guarded by pale faces from the North!

* Isaiah Abraham is living in Southern Sudan he can be reached at [email protected]

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