Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

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Sudan faces pressure to accept U.N. force

July 18, 2006 (BRUSSELS) — World powers pressed the Sudanese government Tuesday to accept a U.N. peacekeeping force in Darfur province to replace overstretched African Union troops who have struggled to protect civilians from rebels and pro-government militias.

Delegates from more than 70 nations at a conference on Sudan were united in calling for the U.N. force, which the Sudanese government is refusing to allow in to replace AU peacekeepers, and a halt to violence in the vast western region.

“This must stop immediately,” U.S. Secretary-General Kofi Annan said, warning that those frustrating peace efforts could face international sanctions.

The daylong conference raised $200 million in fresh donations to support the 7,300-member AU force in Darfur – about half what the AU says it needs to keep the mission running until the end of the year, when the U.N. hopes to take over peacekeeping.

The United States provided $116 million, the European Commission $38 million and the Netherlands $25 million. The head of the African Union, Alpha Oumar Konare, said nations had assured him more would be provided later to keep the operation afloat.

Although NATO and the EU have provided training and other support, the AU force is thinly spread around the remote area roughly the size of France. In an appeal to the conference, aid agencies said the lack of manpower and equipment meant the African force could not adequately protect villages and refugee camps.

“This lack of funding means patrols in and around camps are impossible or have been scaled back,” said Denis Caillaux, secretary general of CARE international. “We are seeing people attacked, killed or raped as a result.”

The conference also increased pressure on two Darfur rebel groups that rejected a May peace deal with the government.

“Those who have signed the Darfur peace agreement are not implementing it, and there remain two important parties who continue to refuse to sign it,” said European Union foreign policy chief Javier Solana. “Meanwhile the people of Darfur continue a third year of suffering.”

Since 2003, the Darfur conflict has killed some 200,000 and forced 2 million to flee their homes. The violence in Darfur erupted when non-Arab tribes revolted against Sudan’s Arab-led government, which is accused of responding by unleashing Arab militias known as the janjaweed, which have been blamed for the worst atrocities.

Delegates expressed hope the Sudanese government was edging toward dropping its opposition to a U.N. force, which European Union foreign ministers described in a statement Monday as “the only viable and realistic” long-term option in Darfur.

“We are closer probably to having a change in that position,” Solana said after talks with Sudanese Foreign Minister Lam Akol.

The United States is pushing for the handover to a U.N. force to be carried out as soon as September. “The key here is to move forward rapidly,” said Jendayi Frazer, assistant secretary of state for African affairs.


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