Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Southern Sudan Foreign Policy after Nhial Deng Nhial

By Melha Rout Biel*

July 22, 2006 – The resignation of the Honourable Minister Nhial Deng Nhial in June this year was a great shock to many Sudanese, especially to Southern Sudanese. This is because citizens in the South, if not in all Sudan, wish to see the Minister of Regional Cooperation of the Government of Southern Sudan (GOSS) play a vital role in drawing up Sudan’s Foreign Policy together with the Federal Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Khartoum, currently led by Dr. Lam Akol. Since the appointment of the Minister a year ago, no significant steps have been taken toward shaping the relationship between the South and it neighbours. However, one cannot say that the delay and inactivity of this ministry was the fault of the minister alone; blame could also lie in the government’s policy as a whole. Nhial Deng Nhial was a very close assistant to the historic SPLM leader, Dr. John Garang, who died one year ago. May God rest his soul in peace, amen!

Now that Nhial Deng has resigned, the question now being discussed is, who is able to lead the Regional Cooperation in Juba and set up a strong Ministry of International Cooperation and Development capable of representing Southern Sudan’s interests in Africa and the Arab world? The South needs a strong Regional Minister who will work with the Federal Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Khartoum to draw up a Sudanese policy of neighbourliness and friendship which also preserves the diversity of the Sudan. Dr. Akol is trying to do that, although he does not necessarily represent the interests only of the South, but of the whole Sudan.

Furthermore, the Government of Southern Sudan (GOSS) has not yet named diplomats who will represent the GOSS. It is high time now to appoint those people so that they can begin their work. The South is running out of time, as we are going to a referendum less than four years from now.

To answer the question posed above, many observers inside and outside the Sudan may support the appointment of one of the following Southern Sudanese diplomats and respected intellectuals. It is believed that they could do a better job in Juba as Minister of Regional Cooperation. They are both gentlemen speak and write very well in both English and Arabic. They are well-known and respected throughout the South. Both are very young in age. They are open-minded and understand both foreign and Sudanese politics very well. Dr. Barnaba Marial is the current State Minister for International Cooperation in the Government of National Unity in Khartoum and is very close to President Salva Kiir. He has supporters within the Dinka and Nuer communities, as well as throughout the South. He also played a very important diplomatic role in southern Africa during the SPLM’s struggles there.

John Gai Yoh is a well-known political scientist. He has studied politics and currently teaches African Politics in South Africa. Yoh is well-versed in both African and Arab politics. He could help the South to establish a strong Ministry in Juba.

The GOSS should not appoint anybody who does not meet these conditions.

In conclusion, it is time for the GOSS to act now and not tomorrow and appoint the Minister as well as the dipolmats representing the South in Foreign Missions!

* The Author is a political scientist and a Senior Lecturer at the University of Applied Sciences in Erfurt Germany. He teaches International Dimensions in Social Work and Social Education. Biel is the Author of “African Kids between Warlords, Child Soldiers and Living on the Street, Causes, Effects and Solution: The cases of Sudan, Uganda, Zambia and Kenya”, New York, Oxford, Berlin 2004.He can be reached at [email protected]

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