Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Sudan, Ethiopia discuss ways to promote bilateral relations

Aug 1, 2006 (KHARTOUM) — The Sudanese president Assistant, Nafei Ali Nafei, discussed promotion of Sudanese Ethiopian relations with Speaker of the Ethiopian parliament, Teshome Toga, at his office at the Republican Palace, Monday

During the meeting they discussed ways of supporting and promoting Sudanese-Ethiopian ties and pushing it forward, as well as the role which should be played by other countries to support and strengthen ties among African countries.

The president’s assistant lauded the level of ties which have gathered the Sudanese and Ethiopian people over the years.

The Speaker of the Ethiopian House of Peoples’ Representatives during the meeting explained the position of his government on the border conflict with the neighboring Eritrea and the stand of his government towards “the fundamentalist group operating in Mogadishu” and the Ethiopian support to the “legitimate” Somali Transitional government.

Nafei pointed out Sudan’s political stance with its neighbors which was based on good neighborhood policy and supporting African brothers at all international levels for the sake of the people’s interest towards achieving stability and progress.

Relations between Sudan and Ethiopia is chilled by the normalizations of relations between Sudan and Eritrea, shaky foe of Ethiopia, but also because of Sudanese pressures on the Somali government to recognize Somali Islamic Courts last June.

Teshome Toga who returned home later on Monday, has participated in the 2nd Parliamentary Forum of the Great Lakes and Horn of Africa countries held in the Sudanese capital Khartoum.

In his address to the forum, Teshome said that the Darfur Peace agreement should provide a good opportunity for the countries in the region. He said that in sharp contrast to the current atmosphere in Burundi and Sudan, which he described as hopeful, the deteriorating situation in Somalia has become a serious concern.


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