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Sudan Tribune

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Why are SPLM/A leadership betraying New Sudan Vision?

SPLM Leadership must prove it is still Holding Firm on SPLM/A Founding
Visions and Objectives

By Koang Tut Jing

August 15, 2006 — Currently, it is crystal clear that the movement is in fact being torn apart
by enormous problems which range from betrayal, tribalism, confusion and
ideology. It would be a lie if one can deny the occurrence of those issues
in the past. The examples of those could be, the incident between elements
of Anya Nya II and SPLA/M at Bilpam in 1983, the numerous issues that
involved Kuanyin, Arok leading up to split of SPLA/M in 1991 and others like
the one which landed Magar Aciek in the hand of Riek’s movement in 1995.
However, not all those event when the movement’s very existence was
physically and psychologically threatened than was 1991 led by current vice
president of southern Sudan. This is a typical behaviour of many southern
Sudanese since the Sudan got her independent from British. Since then we
never ran short of destroyers of their own selves. Nevertheless, this is not
what I would like to convey; the thing I want to highlight here is that the
movement is under attack from two fronts which the leadership in Juba seems
not aware of it. In fact, the SPLM/A under late Garang has resisted the call
to relinquish its visions and objectives from separatists and destructors in
the rank and file of it. Once again those evil voices have gain enormous
strength since the death of Garang and this cast doubt among ordinary
Sudanese who perceive SPLM/A as national movement for all in the country. In
other hand, the leadership is being made look like a southern leadership by
ideologists in Khartoum. Kiir-Riek’s administration will be accountable for
this if the movement fail to meet its founding principles.

SPLM/A vision always have been to achieve justice, equality, freedom and
democracy for all who yearn for these in the Sudan within the context of the
“New Sudan”. The Sudan which all are free and equal citizens in regardless
of whether they are Africans, Arabs, Christians, Muslims, women/man.
However, the SPLM/A’s leadership are one step away from destruction by
ideologists in Khartoum and confusionists in the south! Our lives are in
stake if the leadership in Juba continues it dangerous silence. While we
wait the fundamentalists are on offensive against us determine to destroy
what the movement is all about because they think the New Sudan vision is a
threat against them. The regime in Khartoum is comfortable in talking about
the southern Sudan issue because an issue confined to south Sudan alone
cannot question the regime legitimacy. Today, our beloved SPLM has fallen in
the hand of separatists, tribalists and commercial men sitting in Juba. This
tell me and my likes that the movement used its founding visions and
objectives to secure power so that it leaders can exercise their domination
over other marginalised communities instead of lifting them up. SPLM/A
leadership must stay away from bad guys that make them abandon the cause for
short sighted objectives. SPLM/A leadership has a moral duty to show concern
for people who have heed their call when they were in wilderness, why not
continue this path? It was yesterday when many from Nuba Mountain died with
us in their great numbers, why leave them when they need our hand the most?
Statements like this is demoralising as I quote “the people of Nuba mountain
have been betrayed by the SPLM/A’s leadership despite their undeniable
sacrifices to the movement since 1985”
(www.sudaneseonline.com/ar/article3332.shtml). There is no doubt the
movement has been invaded by infiltrators, the opportunists and
trouble-makers whose aim is to hijack the people’s movement for their own
commercial interest. The leadership could have stand up for all the Sudanese
currently facing uphill battles in the hand of NIF instead it becoming
another devil. The fact that many from the north have contributed enormously
in the CPA is now a contribution for nothing. For instance when we called
upon the people of southern Blue Nile and Nuba Mountain they heeded our call
and they consistently refused to abandon us, why don’t we keep our words and
die together with them? This is a movement which fought the war in the name
of oppressed which made it possible for the rest outside southern border to
heed the call, why are SPLM/A leadership betraying this legitimate cause? Is
this the end of our dream? 16 years ago, our Kiir stood as a true
nationalist when he said “if we scattered the enemy we are fighting will
pick us up one by one”. He said that statement to some Intifadha battalions
waiting as blockade against the enemy convoys which was from Malakal to Juba
in 1990. He told them that because he was emphasising more on how vital the
unity of our people was at that moment. Today, he is the destroyer of the
very thing he helped build up, Kiir went as far southern Blue Nile following
the footsteps of Late Francis Ngor and Kuanyin Bol which overseen the
operations there before him. Was his unity stands a war slogan? If not, why
leave our comrades in arm in the freezing weather alone when he supposes to
stand up for them? The quitting of Nhial Deng and the abandoning of Nuba
people only to be deprived off their right by opportunists who have not done
anything during the cause illustrate the character of our “New
Administration” in Juba. This underlines the fact how the Nuer people
explained such a circumstance as this “ci rol e cam lat ke”, thus those who
fought and endured the harsh weathers during the cause of struggle won’t
benefit as opportunists may. Without the unity between the oppressed in the
Sudan, how will the freedom comes by? This fact is concurred in voice of
various SPLM/A formations and units. Our fathers who fought the first war
went as far as Congo but because the war is fought under limited objective
it ended up in disgrace as Monjunun Battalion put it. They proudly claimed
the SPLM/A will put this to an end, do we still have a chance of doing so
given this current administration inability? We know that the SPLM/A has
captivated every one eyes in the Sudan as a national movement for all which
was why it is now having supporters even in the north whereas Anya Nya I
didn’t, why do we want to disappoint those voices? As voice of Muor-muor put
it Anya Nya I didn’t have a single northerner in it file and rank which is
not a case anymore with SPLM/A, why we don’t capitalise on this? The voice
of seeds at Funyudo by then said it in full pride that “we will never accept
Anya Nya III”. A fact which I concurred, however with this weakness,
betrayal of one’s own objectives, tribalism and confused leadership, I doubt
the going!

There is no doubt the movement leadership has betrayed the marginalised
society in the Sudan. There is no wonder many are currently concern more
with gains as it is hard to hear SPLM/A senior member speaking up for the
plight of other marginalised. According to Nuba and southern Blue Nile
people point of view, the SPLM leadership has sold them out. A point that I
sanction 100%. This makes them think of their plight under the system they
rebelled against as in this “our women will still be taken like animals to
Khartoum to be stoned and to work as slaves in the Arab homes” (Daudi).
Thus, if SPLM/A leadership have humanity in them and truly representing
national movement for freedom of all Sudanese from all walks, they must heed
the cry of people they represent. Let’s remember their corpses and blood
which spillage nearly all parts of southern Sudan during the war by
remaining committed to the basic principles of the SPLM/A. Please protect
the southern Sudanese dignity by staying the cause. The strong bond between
us and people of both Nuba Mountain and southern Blue Nile must not be
loosen due to selfishness as this may hurt us back in the near future. The
bunches in Juba must know that our kins in Nuba Mountain and Blue Nile are
still the supply and our communication lines which we must want to adhere
with to win the war ahead. To win a war you must have plans, strategy,
tactics and how you should execute all these. Our first concern is how we
should conceal our supply and communication lines from enemy! However, the
worries for me is not only the possible betrayal of our once time comrades
in arms but the resentment against the people of southern Sudan as a result
of neglect and selfishness from our leaders. This by no mean won’t a
laughing matter. If frustration of both areas reaches a boiling point
against the leadership in Juba, this is when we shall know that this
administration has not only committed atrocities against the southern
Sudanese but a wishful dream of independent south Sudan will vanish forever.
It is high time to forget of meaningless separation view as this alienation
policy won’t help our people cross safely. Our hope and success always will
depend on the immediate neighbours as those from Nuba Mountain and Southern
Blue Nile inhabitants plus others across the country. As we have seen when
the parties to the CPA inked the agreement, ordinary Sudanese welcomed it
with ululations and joy. There were no doubt the masses in Sudan especially
the marginalised communities entrusted the SPLM as a vehicle of hope. That
was evident when the late leader of SPLM/A, Dr. Garang was unprecedented
received in Khartoum by all walks in the country. The people of Khartoum who
welcomed Garang did not do that out of curiosity or anxiety to see the man
who had endured the 21 years war leading the liberation struggle.
Nevertheless, they poured out in force to welcome the man who has been
championing their cause for years in the bush. I know it is currently a
culture among many southern Sudanese to call someone who voice a genuine
criticism as “traitor”. During the SPLIT of SPLM/A I was at odd with many
and carried endless names because of what I believe in but in the end the
very people who stood against my stance eventually joint the SPLM/A they
despised me for supporting. History will judge us one by one! Today, with my
favourable view of “New Sudan”, it becomes a cause of friction between me
and some self-proclaimed separatists. Anyhow I don’t have to convince dogs!

Apart from the national issues that rocking downs the SPLM/A leaders, we
have so many opportunists, tribalists and confused persons who are remote
controlling the affairs of the movement in the shadow. This administration
becomes where corruption is brewed since it ascending on SPLM/A leadership.
I am not sure whether they can really deliver what the Sudanese people
expecting from them. These are two leaders whose records in the people’s
movement isn’t helpful, it won’t be surprising if we all eventually fall
into the hands of those shadow evils leaders behind the scene. The lacks of
command, leadership and managerial skills have been rocking them down all
these times. It worth noting that the confusion which destroyed the first
movement, Anya Nya I is again descending on us, one can wonder if the
history is repeating itself? Why don’t we learn from our mistakes?
Apparently, the return of Kokora is just some months away. The refusal of
Central Equatoria State government to make Yei a new seat for them in favour
of Juba should ring the bell louder. Although, I disagree with CES
government position it is time to swallow our pride and opt for Ramciel to
make it a dream seat of southern Sudan Government. On top of that the Kiir
administration still has big issue in hand. The so called other southern
groups and some certain tribes in the south baseless accusations against
others are case in point to note. Just few days ago a self-proclaimed
journalist disguisedly posted an article denouncing the SPLM/A flag. This is
a flag millions have perished under. It is not representing Kiir with his
corrupt administration but million souls fell in it support. Those evil
voices are creating more room for inter-factions fighting among the southern
constituencies as they did in 1990s. Kiir and his group must watch out and
stand up in protection of this flag. Apparently, some tribes in the south
are writing articles and petitioning against certain communities they
dislike. One example is the Anyuak tribe members in the USA meeting with
Kiir in which they raised their grievances against Lou Nuer in Akobo. At
that meeting they had with the president they claimed they Anyuak have been
targeted by Arab regimes in the past for hosting all southern Sudan’s
movements and the Lou took advantage of this under the cover of Arabs. This
is false because no Arabs targeted them nor the Lou killed them through
Arabs’ support. Every tribe in the south knows that the Lou does not need
backing from any organisation to carry out any task they want to do, why is
Odola and his group are raising unfounded allegations? The Anyuak went as
far as saying they want “solid conclusion for Akobo indigenous Anyuak
conflicts with the Lou Nuer settlers”, when did the Mor Lou become settlers
in the land many of their generations were born? The very settlers seemed to
have been the ones liberated Akobo in conjunction with their comrades from
other tribes in 1980s, it was hardly to see a single Anyuak man in all the
formations and units of SPLM/A that have been deployed in Akobo by then and
yet the Anyuak in USA are claiming meaningless loyalty to the SPLM/A. If we
consider the case of Anya Nya I forces in Upper Nile, the Lou were dominant
and in SPLA, many sons of Lou from Akobo have lifted the name of Akobo in
the various fields of battles, be it within Upper Nile, Equatoria,
Bharelgazale, Blue Nile or Nuba Mountain and yet no single Anyuak did become
visible as Lou were doing in SPLA. And they further claimed the dispute was
imposed by Lou by occupying Akobo forcefully and committing atrocities
against innocent Anyuak, when did Anyuak becomes innocents? I escaped two
attempts on my life as small boy, I know who they are, and they shouldn’t
lie to the media. It seems CPA is giving rise to voices that will escalate
and igniting the southern crisis further, the case in point is this baseless
accusation raised by Anyuak against Lou. Although, they must have real
grievances, they should have avoided unfounded accusations who themselves
created. I sanction the co-existence of both Anyuak and Nuer but not the way
the notorious old men in the USA would like it be.

I raised these issues because the leadership need to know what is to
crippled the SPLM/A as a whole in near future. I challenge Kiir to continue
facilitating our march for New Sudan until we achieve it. The tribalists,
confusion and the rising voice of separatists must not divert our visions
and the moral duty we have for others in the Sudan. Let’s remain principle
by staying the cause that have sent our southern Sudanese members of SPLA to
areas outside our borders in 1980s and died there and let’s honour our
covenant with those who have joint us during the struggle. And it should be
clear that southern Sudan freedom lies on how tough we stand on national

God bless the New Sudan and its people!

* Koang is a Sudanese Diaspora living in New Zealand and he can be reached at
[email protected]

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