Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

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Sudan, Iran to reactivate agreements in animal resources

Aug 20, 2006 (KHARTOUM) — Sudan and Iran have agreed to reactivate the agreements which were signed between them in the fields of establishing modern factories, vaccines and medicines production, training of Sudanese cadres, cooling, fisheries, and opening new markets.

This came in a meeting Sunday which brought together the State Minister at the Ministry of Animal Resources, Maj. Gen. Daniel Kodi, and the visiting Iranian President’s envoy and Minister of Agriculture.

The minister underscored the specialty of the relations between the Sudan and Iran, referring to a livestock census plan that will be conducted in the 2007 through a fund from the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO).

He informed the Iranian envoy that Sudan has received a certificate of render-pest free from the International Epidemiological Office during the year 2006.

The Iranian envoy, meanwhile, affirmed that all the capabilities of his country are at the disposal of Sudan, disclosing that a group of Iranian experts, headed by the Iranian Undersecretary of the Ministry of Agriculture, will arrive in Sudan next week toward implementing the agreement.

He said his country is looking forward a new vision to strengthen its cooperation with Africa, particularly with Sudan, affirming his country’s readiness to consolidate the bilateral relations in all fields for the interest of the two sister nations.

He referred to Sudan’s vast natural resources, in particular the livestock resources, calling on all the Arab and Islamic States to establish investment projects in this field.


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