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Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Biel Rambang repeats he is still the SSUDA chairman

South Sudan United Democratic Alliance (SSUDA)

Press release

September 2, 2006 — This press release is meant to clarify the current informal confusion and statements within SSUDA party, about its said leadership’s reshuffle or election; however, the following few points will serve the purpose:

1- Nothing had happened at all, simply, the term reshuffle is usually exercises by the leadership under the chairperson, and its affects only the lower leadership; again the term election is wrongly used because the chairman of SSUDA should have been present or SSUDA’s convention, to authorize the reshuffle or election, in absent of both, the chairman and the convention, the claimed reshuffle or election is nil and void. However, in absent of both, the whole thing turned out to be illegal practice or a joke; only what has happened should be called defection of some individuals from the party with whatever motive;

2- SSUDA reshuffle or election should have taken place within SSUDA first convention or in an emergency situation, where all matters should have been addressed, including the confirmation of the current leadership or election of a new leadership, as usual with any creditable political party; that mean, I should not have any problem with that, had they had done that formally, and according to SSUDA constitution; which should have fallen within in the SSUDA core values of principles, which is SSUDA stand against African Neo-colonialism declaring themselves chairmen president for life “miss-governance” and that has destroyed the African continent, and the black person’s image world wide;

3- Currently we are busy with legalization and recruitment for SSUDA base foundation; which need a patience at least if the intention those elements was not to destroy the party;

4- Then, I as a leader of SSUDA, I am hereby forced to react to such malicious intentions, intended to destroy SSUDA, whereby some people are having a plan to go and join one of UDSF factions and NCP, however, the whole thing was done in an irresponsible manner and a mucky way, when I could not see any valuable within these elements to make to act they way they have acted, I know some are seriously affected by inexperience and opportunistic character, but mostly some are having evil intention to destroy SSUDA, specially an element loyal to NCP and UDSF based in the USA (NE and MN) who are well known to the SSUDA leadership ever since. I have to repeat that I do not believe any of these people would have the capacity to destroy SSUDA;
5- To clear the way forward I have made necessary consultation with the SSUDA leadership and for that matter I have reached the following:

A- Under the below charges: Mr. Peter Chuol Galuak SSUDA secretary of information, who released such false, fake and joking paper, is hereby released from his duty as SSUDA secretary of information and dismissed from SSUDA executive committee, and his membership in SSUDA, is hereby terminated with an effect from Aug. 27, 2006, until SSUDA’ s first convention. This action became imperative, as stipulated by the SSUDA constitution and internal regulations, that regulate duties and rights “code of conduct and ethic” of all the members within the organization; and to protect rule of law and order, if we have to press for better change in South Sudan for good governance, that do not allow us to violate laws and regulations of the party, set forth to serve the best interest of our people. Since we are not joking with an official business, such a situation should not be tolerated; moreover, Mr. Galuak activities are amount to rebellion, sabotage and abnormality, that made him to be part of problem and not part of solution, since he does not respects no law or order; in addition, this is not Mr. Galuak’s first time,

1. Mr. Galuak was agitating for SSUDA’s dissolution for SSUDA members to join one of UDSF faction. Although Mr. Galuak has right to join any political party, but it is not his right to prevent others to have their own political choices.

2. Mr. Galuak was facing me as a leader of SSUDA to accept dismissal of Prof. David Chand, SSUDA’s vice president, for more than 5 times; which I have resisted seriously, although I am aware of too much weakness within Prof. David Chand, yet, I am aware that all human beings have their own certain weakness, as well as their certain talents, including myself, and Mr. Galuak himself; but it has to be a honest one, within the context of good wills;

3. Moreover, Mr. Galuak was about to come to join same element in MN last June 24, 2006 for my dismissal from the leadership of SSUDA, before my coming to Africa, but that was aborted by Prof. David Chand;

4. And recently Mr. Galuak was rallying SSUDA members within the USA and all over, including some SSDF leadership for dismissal of SSUDA Secretary General Thomas Tut Doap. Then the question is: Who is Chuol Galuak to think, that he can dismiss everybody? From the mentioned above situation we are better off without Mr. Peter Chuol Galuak and his like; therefore, I am hereby congratulating Mr. Galuak for saving us a trip

B-Mr. Koang Thiyang the secretary of peace and political mobilization and organization is hereby, Appointed to act as secretary of information in additional to his mentioned above function until further notices;

C- for the rest of members whom their names appeared on the list I am hereby requesting them to reconsider their position and follow the correct procedures which is SSUDA convention or what ever formula that would make achieve their rights within legal framework, if the intention is to promote and not to destroy;

5- Until that happens I am still SSUDA chairman because I cannot give up for illegal threat;

6- Finally, we are all volunteers, who deserved respect, regardless of whatever situation we face; and the volunteers should be guided by principles and commitment to freedom, justice and equality. Therefore, we do not want to provoke one another, however, what had happened it is too provocative, which is unacceptable at all, whatever the cost. But I have been with Mr. David Chand for too long, where everything is possible “unpredictable” I am not worry, since I know what will come next. In addition, no one is in title to violate such noble rights right of other. “a vision is not made but it is born”. I do not doubts my effectiveness, within my people South Sudanese, let those people know, that I am not guessing or dreaming, and I want let them know that SSUDA is not meant for external purposes, but for Sudan and Africa, where I have grown up, have my classmates, comrades in arms struggle; and where I was led and led. People; then, humbly and surely we are holding on unwavering ground, since we have managed to swim against the most strongest current, of this tricky peace, until the time has told everyone with a piece of sane mind, that something must be wrong. That mean, we have regained our credibility. With the same manner it would not be difficult for us to hold out until this dune mountain is washed away by the truth.

Signed Cdr Biel Torkech Rambang,
SSUDA chairman

P O. Box 21276

Washington DC 20009


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Nairobi, Kenya

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