Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

To Ethiopian pro-democracy media outlets

Is it Really Desirable and Helpful for us to Entertain Ourselves only with the so-called “Positive News and Positive Thinking?”

By Maru Gubena

Dear Sir/Madame,

September 6, 2006 — You might correctly find it strange to receive an e-mail from me after I have already sent you my paper, with a friendly request to add my voice to your websites But I assure you that this is not without reason. First I should, however, make it clear that what I say below is not at based on solid evidence, but on my recent observations, randomly heard comments and indeed, my own personal feelings. I am therefore counting on your sincere response, which will help me to decide about my future contributions and/or cooperation with some of the media outlets.

My points are as follows. Although not coordinated as in the case of the TPLF controlled Ethiopian media outlets, it seems that there exists a view within the pro-democracy websites of the Ethiopian Diaspora community that it is necessary to focus on and highlight not only views critical to the unelected regime of Meles Zenawi, but also on things that are positive regarding the AFD and its partner – Kinijit – even if these views are extremely remote from the reality on the ground, and sometimes full of wishful thinking or simply based on an illusion. This is despite the failing leadership of the Kinijit Diaspora and the continuous turmoil within the Kinijit Diaspora itself. At the same time, we observe that the views of many concerned Ethiopians who would like to debate the real issues and crises appear to be seen as undesirable, and do not receive appropriate attention from certain media outlets.

My question to you, with due respect for the internal policies of each media outlet, is: is it really the time, is it desirable and helpful for us to entertain ourselves only with the so-called “positive news and positive thinking” about the activities of the opposition parties, at a time when we are confronted by a series of crises? Do you really believe this is the right track to travel? Do you believe this path will further our fragile, shaky unity, and help us to collectively continue the Ethiopian resistance?

I hope to receive your kind response as soon as possible, together with your views about the article, Holding Back Sobbing Children at their Mother’s Untimely Death and Not Explaining what Happened is both Wrong and Unfair, which was e-mailed to you the day before yesterday evening, together with the captioned photo.

Thank you in advance,

Yours sincerely,

Maru Gubena

The author, from Ethiopia, is a political economist, writer and publisher. He can be reached at [email protected]

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