Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

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Governor says Equatoria militia threatens security

Sept 6, 2006 (JUBA) — Governor of the state of Eastern Equatoria, Brig-Gen Aloisio Emor Ojetuk, has said that the remnants of the former Equatoria Defence Forces (EDF) that had joined the Sudan Armed People’s Liberation Army (SPLA) in 2006 are a security threat in the state.

He said that the Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF) supplies them with ammunitions to sustain instability in the area.

Speaking to Khartoum Monitor in Juba, Governor Ojetuk said that following the signing in January this year of the Juba Declaration for Unity, the former government allied South Sudan Defence Force (SSDF) and other militias in the south joined the SPLA.

He further said “We managed to convince some 359 men under Peter Lorot to join the SPLA and were sent to training since June”.

The EDF are still in Torit and they said no one could force them to join the SPLA or SAF because they had been fighting in same trenches with SAF for years so they wanted their rights or gratuities from SAF, Governor Ojetuk explained.

The governor said SAF told a meeting in Torit in the presence of UNMIS representative that it would continue to supply EDF with ammunitions, food and other essential items until the demobilization, disarmament and re-integration (DDR) of the force takes place.

Governor Ojetuk cited a number of recent atrocities committed by EDF in Eastern Equatoria:

On 3 July 2006, EDF ambushed the state’s deputy Speaker and seriously damaged his car.

On 3 July 2006, EDF ambushed a GTZ vehicle at Mafau and killed five Bari villagers and wounded seven others.

SAF lorry brought salaries and food to EDF and they relocated their stores at Lolere following the closure of their stores in Torit.

On 15 July 2006, four EDF soldiers raided 15 heads of cattle from Lafon and they are keeping them at Mahujore.

EDF carries [out] clandestine abduction of persons who join SPLM and the latest was on 20 July 2006.

On 22 July 2006, EDF hurled a hand grenade in a dancing place in Torit killing three women and wounding five others.

On 23 July 2006, EDF shifted their armaments from Loudo to Lolere.

On 31 July 2006, EDF mobilized people to get out of Torit and those who refused were beaten up and threatened to be killed.

On 6 August 2006, EDF forces at Lolere attempted to assassinate the vice-president of the Government of Southern Sudan, Dr Riek Machar.

Recently, EDF Col John Belgium Balas distributed ammunitions to three locations; Loudo 4000 rounds, Liria 3000 rounds and Lolere 3000 rounds. All three locations are along the Torit-Juba road.

(Khartoum Monitor)

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