Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Sudanese NCP official’ irresponsible utterances

By Lual Guet Jok *

October 7, 2006 — I am obliged by the need of peace and tranquillity in Sudan to
respond to Professor Ibrahim Ahmed Omer’s irresponsible utterances
that if the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement(SPLM) supports the
deployment of the U.N. Peacekeepers in Darfur then the National
Congress (NCP) would cancel the Comprehensive Peace Agreement(CPA).
Such statement is unbelievable to be uttered by a person like
Professor Omer whom some people because of his education,
experience and age would assume to be rational enough to weigh
the effects of whatever he says about something or about
fundamental issues related to peace and tranquillity in Sudan. The
above statement of Professor Omer amounts to declaration of the third
round of the war between the Khartoum’s regime and the oppressed
and marginalized Sudanese people in general. For this reason, I
take Professor Omer’s expressions seriously because he is the third
senior official in the NCP hierarchy and anything of political
nature he says must reflect the NCP’s position. I also take it
seriously because such emotional approach to matters of life and
death by people of Professor Omer’s age will make the Sudan
unlikely to cohere.

Given professor Omer’s carelessness in what he says, I am bound to
inquire into what branch or part of psychology the paranoia
Professor studied. Most Psychologists are ever selective in whatever
they say because they have the knowledge on what will or will
not provoke an anger reaction among their audience. Or is it the
racial/religious fascism which is overriding the Psychological
knowledge of Professor Omer. Taking into consideration his education
and age, Professor Omer deserves being condemned with all the
possible strongest terms available.

Professor Omer must be informed that the CPA was not given to
the SPLM by the National Congress at dinner table. If he does not
know how the CPA came into being then he must step down and
allow somebody who knows how the CPA came about to take up his
current position in the NCP. Nationalists with the Sudan at heart
and peaceful Sudanese nation are awaiting for the NCP’S leadership
response to professor Omer irresponsible statement. If the NCP
leadership does not respond publicly to this provocative statement
of Professor Omer, then the conclusion is that what Professor Omer
said is the official position of the NCP on the cancellation of
the CPA.

Professor Omer must know that the CPA was achieved at the high
cost of human lives on the both side of the former warring
parties and if anybody or group of paranoia people try to temper
with it, many peace loving people and the committed freedom
fighters from all corners of the marginalized areas in Sudan will
defend it with the all means available. They will not under any
circumstances allow that to happen.

These freedom fighters are well aware of the existence of some
greedy and self-centred religious fundamentalists within the NCP who
want the civil war between their regime and the marginalized areas
in Sudan to go on indefinitely so as to continue to loot the
oil’s revenue and deposit it in their personal accounts in foreign
banks. They are also aware that their able and visionary leader
Hero Dr. John was slain as a part of this plan( continuation of
the civil war and looting of the oil revenue) and to deal away
with the CPA and the SPLM influence in Sudan. These fascists,
entertain the belief that physical absence of Dr. John will help
them remain in power and to control Sudan politically and

Far from the truth, Dr. John, the architect of our modern Sudanese
liberation struggle has been physically removed from political scene
in Sudan by the fascists but his legacy has remained permanently
in Sudan and it will guide the present generation of the
oppressed and marginalized Sudanese and the next generation to come.
Importantly, they must know that Hero Dr. John is survived by
millions of committed Sudanese freedom fighters who will carry on
with his vision until decisive victory is achieved. These comrades
are everywhere in the New Sudan and overseas, ready to make
their further unconditional sacrifices for the sake of liberating
the land with its huge nature given resources and return it to
its rightful owners.

The next round of the civil war in Sudan between the Khartoum
regime of the NCP/NIF and these committed comrades will be more
bloodiest than the one that ended in January 2005. It took the
SPLA freedom fighters longer period not to achieve their objectives
in full because some of our misled comrades helped the Khartoum
regime to escape a humiliating defeat in the battle the field.
Now, the victory is more certain to be achieved since the majority
of the oppressed and marginalized Sudanese are now on the same
board. I urge our brothers and sisters in Darfur to abandon their
differences and be more focus on the liberation struggle. The same
message goes to Beja Congress in Eastern Sudan. Your comrades from
other areas in Sudan have not abandoned you. Sudan belongs to all of us.

To Professor Omer, the SPLM ‘S Position on deployment of the U.N
Peacekeepers in Darfur is the commendable position. The U.N
Peacekeepers will protect the entire innocent civilian population
from the indiscriminate killings by your uncultured militias and the
so-called Sudan Armed forces. The people of Darfur have the
genuine grievances that need to be addressed faithfully.

The move of the International community to protect the innocent
civilian population that has been subjected to horrific conditions
including gang raping of women and young girls should not be
wrongly interpreted as the violation of the Sudan’s sovereignty.
What is the Sudan’s sovereignty? Does a sovereignty of a country
license a head of state to massacre the citizens he/she supposes
to protect? Omer Hassan El Bashir is called upon to live up to
the full responsibilities and duties of the head of the state
which include among other things the protection of all the
citizens without racial discrimination.

* Lual Guet Jok is a Sudanese resident in Canada. He can be reached
via: [email protected]

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