Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Sudan Tribune

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Al-Bashir meets leader of Sudanese alliance in Asmara

Oct 15, 2006 (ASMARA) — The president Omar al-Bashir, met in Asmara Saturday 14 October the chairman of the National Democratic Alliance (NDA) and head of the Democratic Unionist Party Mohamed Osman al-Mirghani.

Al_Mirghani-2.jpgAccording to the state-rune SUNA, the meeting discussed issues related to solving the questions of Sudan peacefully, expressing their appreciation for the efforts that led to the realization of Eastern Sudan Peace Agreement.

The meeting also discussed the democratic transition process in the country, adding that it is important for the Sudanese to solve their problems by themselves.

Al-Mirghani reiterated his rejection to the entry of international troops to Darfur and President Al-Bashir praised the patriotic stances of Al-Mirghani.

In spite of a reconciliation deal signed in Cairo last May, and the representation of the NDA by some ministers in the Government of the national unity (GONU) and the national assembly, the NDA forces are reluctant to back the collectively the GONU.

Al-Mirghani, who does not return to the country till now, pleading of National conference to resolve all the Sudanese conflicts.

The rejection of the UN forces for Darfur, by the chairperson of the NDA, is not shared by the other members of the NDA : SPLM, Sudanese Communist Party and the Sudan Liberation Movement.

Observers say al-Mirghani is influenced in his position on UN forces to Darfur, by the Egyptian stance, because he is a close ally of Egypt.

The NDA is expected to hold a meeting in Asmara next month to mull over the reactivation of the alliance for the next election in the country.


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