Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Nuer Congress says worried by Jarch Group business

The Nuer Congress

Press release

The Nuer Congress exposes JMG’s Hypocrisy

October 16, 2006. The Nuer Congress is worried about the hypocritical stance and business of Jarch Management Group (JMG) in the Nuerland. The Congress, as a voice of the Nuer worldwide, aims at facilitating and promoting advocacy at local and national levels in the Sudan, particular in the South, on issues relating to peace, justice, and harmony between the Nuer and their neighbors.

Since its formation, the Congress first issued a letter to the president of South Sudan, H. E Kiir Mayardit, on May 25, 2006 disapproving the inappropriate disarmament procedures by the SPLA army in the Nuerland. And in the end, the government of South Sudan responded to the Congress’ call judiciously by using appropriate tools to disarm the White Army successfully. Now disarmaments succeeded without bloodshed. People now live in peace. We are grateful for that!

Today, the Congress has once again issued another letter to condemn the oil company so-called The Jarch Capital, Ltd. This JMG is none but a destructive oil business company; if left unchecked, it will cause unprecedented destructions in the great Upper Nile region (Unity State, Jonglei, & Upper Nile states), particular in areas inhabited by the Nuer and the Dinka, and where it finances rogue groups. For the Congress to justify its case against the JMG, we have collected and compiled letters, press releases written by the company representatives. We want our readers to read and understand this company’s double standards and inconsistencies, plus its unprofessionally detestable languages of threats against whoever doesn’t sing its rhythms. Below are few truncated statements (from February 14—October 16, 2006, Sudan Tribune) by the JMG and former partner, the SSUDA/SSDF:

– October 16, 2006 the JMG, Ltd., announced that it sacks de Chand (SSUDA) from its board of directors. And the JMG says, it doesn’t have any business contracts with any individuals or groups outside Gen. Koang Chol, Gen. Matip and Gen. Tangginya. JMG also applauds Gen. Matip for uniting people of South Sudan. Contradiction, eh!
??October 5, 2006, JMG applauds Matip for uniting his forces with the SPLM/A. The company stated that Matip is being “held in the highest regards” and commenting, “those [Koang, Tang and others] who continue to stay with Khartoum are now part of the North and…cannot be considered southerners.” Furthermore, the company “will announce soon our newest members that will show the South’s unity,” the JMG said. (Compare the first paragraph and the second, isn’t this a hypocrisy?)
– September 24, 2006 the company responded to Thon Leek, the governor of Jonglei explaining the benefits, which the residents of Jonglei will get if the JMG exploit the oil. Those benefits may include job training and employment, environment protection, health facilities building, etc. Also the company would “maintain an equitable stance for all sides [SSDF, SPLA, Dinka and Nuer of the jonglei states].” (Now a moderate and humane tune).
– September 16, SSUDA reaffirms its oil contracts with JMG.
– September 19, JMG was informed that SSDF/SSUDA to clear out ‘an authorized oil companies doing seismic studies and other activities on land contracted out to JMG.” Also JMG official bent on its conspiracy and propaganda by saying he received some reliable sources that the governor of Jonglei, Thon Leek has been fired and be replaced by a Nuer, in which he mentioned some Nuer officials’ names. In addition, that JMG being informed of massive defections of the SPLM/A soldiers to SSDF, and “the SPLA is on the verge of collapse” the statement said. Secondly, the company made a comment that it has met with the minister of Energy and Mining in Kartoum to inform him of the contracts. Or else if the minister doesn’t honour the deal, the south would declare its independence and go along with the JMG. (Well, here we go again, accusing SPLA, playing tribal cards, meeting NIF minister…aren’t these contradictions and two-facedness?)
– September 13, JMG announced its Board of Directors that includes the chairman of Ethiopian Unity Patriotic Front (EUPF), Thokwath Pal, and De Chand, the spokesperson of SSUDA. (Why not sign a contract with the govenment of Ethiopia instead of a rebel, isn’t this stance indicates that JMG operates like a pirate, who likes to deal with illegal groups.)
– September 6, JMG acquired 2003 block B contract it made with the SPLA/M; and that Gen. Koang and Gen. Tangginya assured JMG of protection and security, and no other oil companies be allowed to operate in areas under their control. JMG threatened, in similar letter, to sue the SPLM of breach of contract. (You will find the shift of moves now when the company applauds Matip and the SPLM).
– April 25, JMG contested SPLM’s decision to award block B to White Nile oil company. Also the company accused Gen. Matip of not honouring and enforcing the deal, after he merged with the SPLA/M. (Accusations too).
– April 3, SSDF/SSUDA issued and signed the contract with JMG to weed out other companies. (Threat again, but the problem is the marriage is ending).
– March 6/7, the JMG accused SPLM of violating the deal. Then JMG contemplated on ‘exploring legal options’ to sue the SPLM based on international law clauses.
– February 25, SSDF/SSUDA, threatened to fight any oil company besides JMG, and declare the independence of Nuer Nation. (What’s the connection between the Independence of Naath nation with oil contract breach?)
– February 14, the SSDF/SSUDA announced that it issued a licence to JMG. And also it (SSDF/SSUDA) would provide security…and “if possible [it can] declare our [Nuer] independence.” (We’re wondering of the sort of a license that might be.)

Judging from above statements, the Nuer Congress strongly warns the Jarch Management oil company to stop meddling in South Sudanese affairs. If JMG is a responsible company, and wants to exploit the oil in the South for the mutual benefits of the native people and the company, it has to distance itself from dangerous political game, and pursue a neutral ground if it is actually going to be a competitive business partner. It’s none of JMG business or any oil companies to lecture us on whether SPLM is collapsing, south Sudan to declare independence or any governor is fired. All that we want is peace!

However, it’s clear that a company that changes its position and commitment from time to time is not worthy of being awarded with contracts. The position of the Congress ultimately rests on the welfare of the Nuer people and their neighbors. Because of the Congress’ non-partisan, neutral stance, we want to assure any business or political entities to not use the name of the community to advance their interests. Also the Congress has legal rights under international laws to sue any company like, JMG, if it continues to instigate hatred, incitement and disruption of civil order.

So it’s advisable that the JMG should seek legal recognition from the government of South Sudan in Juba, and be awarded contracts which are valid by recognized government, not by a loose band of soldiers or generals operating between two governments.


Deng Yiech Bachech Deng,
The Nuer Congress

Saskatoon, Saskatchewan—Canada
Tel: (306) 262-7449
Email: [email protected]

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