Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Chadian President Deby rejects media claims Chad involved in Sudanese conflict

By Chadian radio

N’DJAMENA, Dec 11, 2003 — The head of state has formally rejected allegations saying that Chad is involved in the Sudanese rebellion. President Idriss Deby spoke to Amadou Saye.

[Deby] What interest will Chad have in destabilizing Sudan, which is a sister country with whom we have a lot of things in common? You journalists should try to be well informed. Do not peddle anything. There will not be any conflict between Chad and Sudan. I formally and categorically say that no action came from Chad against Sudan, and no action will come from Chad against Sudan.

It is true that the same people live on both sides of the border and are often relatives. This is a historical fact. Colonization has drawn a line to put the same families on either side of the border. These families support one another. This is a fact.

There are problems between communities, and they can even fight sometimes. There are problems between stock breeders, farmers, problems with armed robbers. These things exist and they will continue to exist, but we will use every possible means to fight them together, to bring our forces together. The Sudanese and Chadian forces will pull together to fight against that plague.

I formally reject these allegations that Chad might be involved in the destabilization of Sudan. For heaven’s sake, why? Those who are saying so, should give us one valid reason. There is no reason. We have the best possible relations between our states, and between President Umar al-Bashir and myself.

BBC Monitoring Africa

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