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Sudan Tribune

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Egypt should press Sudan to stop Darfur killing first – rebel leader

Dec 14, 2006 (THE HUGE) — Sudan Liberation Movement (SLM) leader denied news that he would go soon to Cairo for talks with the Egyptian officials on Darfur, saying that Egyptian efforts are not in the right direction.

Abdul_Wahid_Mohammed_Ahmed_al-Nur.jpgAbdelwahid Mohamed al-Nur, the leader of the SLM, told Sudan Tribune that he had not received any invitation to visit Cairo, as it was published. The rebel leader added that efforts should be directed to force Khartoum to stop the daily killing of innocent women and children in Darfur.

“How people are talking about negotiations and the Khartoum-backed Janjaweed militia waging a dirty war against innocent people everywhere in Darfur. The Egyptian government efforts should be directed to create favourable conditions for talks and the first of it is to stop the ongoing daily ethnic cleansing;” he said.

Al-Nur, who was in Asmara since the end of Abuja peace talks, seems more consolidated by the recent defection of Minawi’s commanders in his favour.

Asked about the efforts for peace in Darfur conducted by Mohamed Osman al-Mirghani, the leader of the democratic Unionist Party (DUP), Al-Nur invited al-Mirghani to support SLM’s vision for Darfur peace and the restoration of a democratic and secular state in the Sudan.

He further added that al-Mirghani can not play an effective role in favour of a lasting peace in the country. “As a democratic and historical leader al-Mirghani has to back democratic forces committed to the establishment of a democratic and secular state as it is stipulated in Asmara Declaration.”

Al Mirghani is also the leader of a large coalition of the Sudanese democratic forces, the National democratic Alliance. The Asmara declaration is signed on 23 June 1995 by the democratic forces in the country opposed to the National Islamic Front regime. The SLM adhered to the NDA after its creation in 2003.

The rebel leader hailed the stance of the First Vice president Salva Kiir Mayadrit for the deployment of international forces in Darfur. He added that Salva Kiir had insisted on the priority for the protection of Darfur people.

He described Salav Kiir as “depositary of Garang legacy of the New Sudan” saying he should not give up efforts to make peace and security a reality in Darfur. Al-Nur urged the leader of the Sudan people’s Liberation Movement to cooperate with the democratic forces “because this is the only way to realize a Sudan of diversity and equality.”

He further praised the UK-US move to enforce a “no-fly zone” over Darfur, similar to those imposed on north and south Iraq during the regime of Saddam Hussein. The Financial Times said other options to protect the Darfurians include a naval blockade along Sudan’s Red Sea coast and targeted air strikes.

“It is a right step towards the protection of Darfur people and to stop Khartoum’s plan of collective killing in the region.” Adding “Khartoum now creating chaos in Darfur and prevents international officials such as US special envoy to Sudan Andrew Natsios from visiting the region while daily and systematic killing is taking place in the region.

He also praised the International Criminal Court decision to begin filing indictments against suspected Darfur war criminals in February. On this regard, Al-Nur said the SLM is disposed to fully cooperate with the ICC and to support its investigation works on the ground in Darfur.

Last year U.N. investigators named 51 people, including senior government officials, as being responsible for atrocities in Sudan’s troubled Darfur.


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